Read Bad Breath and Smoking much more

Bad Breath

For most of us, there's a clear correlation between bad breath and smoking: if you smoke, you will have an offensive tobacco odor on your breath that all non-smokers will detect if they are close enough. Of course, a tobacco odor also tends to linger on the clothes and hair of a smoker, so tobacco on the breath is probably not a very large issue. Surprisingly, however, there are more pieces of the puzzle that tie bad breath to smoking in other ways.

Smoking apparently inhibits saliva production. This is a problem because saliva plays an important role in inhibiting the multiplication of anaerobic bacteria, which live at the back of the tongue, and sometimes in spaces between teeth and gums, and between the teeth. These anaerobic bacteria (bacteria which live where there is no oxygen) produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) when they digest proteins for nutrients. So bad breath and smoking go hand in hand because smoking decreases saliva and a decrease in saliva results in an increase in VSC producing anaerobes in the mouth.

Smoking also increases the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Smokers apparently have more cavities that non-smokers. They also have gums that tend to detach from the teeth and recede, leaving exposed roots and spaces between gums and teeth where those VSC producing bacteria can flourish. The roots of the teeth, which are supposed to be protected by healthy gums, are not covered with enamel, so they are more subject to tooth decay. In this scenario, bad breath and smoking result from an unhealthy mouth full of tooth decay, periodontal disease, and proliferating VSC producing bacteria.

It's not just bad breath and smoking that you need to worry about: other tobacco products carry similar risks. Pipe smoking and cigar smoking cause all the same problems as cigarette smoking, and chewing tobacco has all these and more. Smokeless tobacco frequently has sugar added to it, and may contain particles of grit, both of which have implications for oral health. The association between sugar and dental cavities is well known, and chewing on sand will put wear and tear on tooth enamel, also contributing to tooth decay.

So it's not just the odor of cigarette smoke on the breath and that brownish yellow stain on the teeth that you need to think about when you get close to someone else. The best solution is, of course, to quit smoking, but if you can't do that, use a good breath product that will help control the VSC producing bacteria that link bad breath and smoking. That will help a bit.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath and Smoking, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Bad Breath and Smoking

Study How to Fight Bad Breath - Learn to Cure Bad Breath extra

Bad Breath

Bad breath is a condition which every one of us faces sometime or other. It is caused by various factors. When we are talking about how to fight bad breath, we must take into account these factors.

Foul breath is emitted because of various other ailments from which we might be suffering. If chronically suffering from digestive problems like constipation or acidity, it will lead to bad breath. Sometimes diseases like tonsillitis or any other respiratory infection too gives rise to this condition.

But the main cause for this situation is due to unhealthy oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth and tongue after every meal. Bacteria react with the residue of the food and drink in the mouth, to cause foul smell of the breath.

If suffering from bleeding gums, get it treated urgently as this too will give rise to bad breath.

A traditional way to fight bad breath is to have yogurt. It has been proven that the good bacteria of yogurt help to fight the bacteria causing this condition. Eating unripe guavas too, will get rid of foul breath.

Have lots of green vegetable and fruits. Make way for some fibrous food in your diet. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day so that your mouth doesn't become dry due to dehydration. Dry mouth give out foul odors. Of course, it might be due to other causes like breathing through mouth or taking oral sprays for asthma etc.

Another effective cure for this condition is to have avocado which is much better than any mouth wash. It removes intestinal decomposition which is again a cause for bad breath.

Sometimes consumption of foods like onion and garlic give rise to this disorder. Dental problems like bleeding gums, abscess at the root of the teeth too are the cause of bad breath.

Each person's body react differently to a particular treatment, so it is not necessary what is good for your friend has to have the same effect on you. Choose the correct and most suitable treatment for treating your bad breath.

Would you like to save yourself from social embarrassment due to your foul smelling breath. Do you know you can get rid of your bad breath in seven days? Go to and find out more on how to fight bad breath.

How to Fight Bad Breath - Learn to Cure Bad Breath

Examine Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements much more

There are certain types of foods that you consume that can be a culprit to bad breath. Food that is high in fat, meats, foods loaded with sugar, specialty spices and dairy products. Foods that contain acid produce bacteria in your mouth.

When you eat foods with a lot of fat and protein, they may not digest in your system properly. People that have difficulty digesting meat and dairy products can end up with bad breath.
Here are some suggestions regarding foods when it comes to bad breath:

o Make sure to include fruits and vegetables that are rich with antioxidants. This would include leafy greens, berries, broccoli and cabbage. These foods help to keep you healthy and to keep bad breath from occurring.

o You can also eat yogurt that is sugar-free and has a live culture. This helps to keep away bacteria that are responsible for causing halitosis.

o Foods that are loaded with sugar pose a problem because the sugar affects the back of the throat.

o In addition to onions and garlic, spices such as curry can cause people to have bad breath. As you digest them, some of the elements flow through your bloodstream and to the lungs. The odor can be emitted for about 24 hours.

o Coffee and some teas can also be culprits of bad breath. Both have plenty of acid in them. Try not to drink so much of these beverages.

Drinking black tea has elements that keep bacteria away. Other teas that can help to prevent bad breath are green tea and peppermint tea. Tea can also get rid of bad breath that is caused by mucus. You only have to drink one cup per day for the odor to gradually dissipate.

Vitamins and Supplements

o If you're not consuming enough zinc, then you could possibly have bad breath. If you are deficient, you need to take no less than 60 mg a day. Be careful about taking too much of this as zinc can interfere with copper.

o The lack of Vitamin B can also be a cause of bad breath. You may want to take some niacinimide, a B complex tablet and Vitamin B6 one time a day.

o If you consume no more than 6,000 mg of Vitamin C, you will remove the mucus and toxins that have built up in your body. The mucus and toxins that are stored up in your body can be a cause of bad breath.

Digestive System
Your digestive system can also be a cause of bad breath. You will need to improve it by watching what you eat. What you eat is crucial because it will determine whether or not it will help to eliminate bad breath. Here are some things that you can do to keep your digestive system in tact:

o Have a high-fiber diet that includes whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods usually digest better than those that are not high in fiber.
o If you don't have enough enzymes to digest properly, you need to take no more than four tablets of enzymes for each major meal.
o You may not have enough hydrochloric acid. To get more in your system, you can use apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon before you eat a major meal. You can also use betaine or pepsin tablets before you eat in order to help your digestive system to work.
o You can also get bad breath from lack of regular bowel movements (constipation). You need to drink at least eight glasses of water (eight ounces) every day.

This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to provide advice in regards to any health condition, including bad breath. If you have or think you might have a health problem, contact your doctor or dentist immediately for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any products, vitamins or supplements mentioned in this article.

Bad Breath

Scott Wells writes for where you can learn more about therabreath coupons just in time for the holiday season.

Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements

Examine Bad Breath Causes much more

Bad Breath

Causes Of Bad Breath

o Food - When you eat, the food particles that remain in and around your teeth can cause an odor in your mouth. Of course, everyone knows that eating onions (raw ones, especially) and garlic are some of the worst culprits.

After you have digested these foods and smelly oils, they penetrate through your blood. Then they travel to your lungs and come up in your breath when you open your mouth. It's possible to have an onion or garlic smell for at least three days.

o Dental issues - Periodontal disease, which occurs from poor dental hygiene, can also cause bad breath. Food particles will remain in your mouth if you don't brush and floss daily. You'll probably have to brush and floss several times a day. If the food particles remain in your mouth, they will absorb bacteria.

You may experience plaque on your teeth. If you don't brush your teeth properly or not enough, the plaque can mess with your gums. You can end up getting gingivitis and tooth decay. Pockets can form between your teeth and gums. This condition is called periodonitis. Peridonitis can cause the bad breath to linger.

o Dry mouth - The inside of your mouth should always be moist with saliva. Saliva is used to clean your mouth. If you don't have any saliva circulating on the inside, dead cells will gather on your tongue. They can also come on your cheeks and gums. This condition is called dry mouth.

Once the dead cells accumulate, they start to deteriorate, causing a foul odor inside of the mouth. This condition usually happens when a person is sleeping. If you sleep with your mouth open, you are more prone to get dry mouth. When you wake up in the morning, dry mouth can also cause what is known as "morning breath."

o Chronic diseases - Certain chronic lung ailments such as infections and abscesses can emit foul odors as you open your mouth. If you have chronic kidney failure, you could have an odor that smells like urine.

A fishy odor could be the result of chronic liver ailments. Those that have diabetes have a fruity odor. Also, some stomach ailments have been linked to bad breath.

o Nose and throat infections - A person can also have bad breath from allergies. Sinus infections cause a nasal discharge. It goes from the back of the throat and trickles downward. This can cause a foul odor. You can also have bad breath if you have upper respiratory ailments in which you cough up mucus.

o Tobacco - If you smoke cigarettes, it causes your mouth to be dry. Smoking causes an unpleasant odor after you have puffed on a cigarette. If you are a smoker, there is a greater chance for you to get periodontal disease, which would be a double whammy because that also causes bad breath.

o Extreme dieting - If you use a special diet or fasting to lose weight, you may have a fruity breath. This is a result of developing ketoacidosis, which is when the chemicals break down while you're fasting.

o Milk - If you find out that you're intolerant of milk, then you'll have to get rid of it. You can develop bad breath if you're consuming milk or dairy products that you can't digest.

o Alcohol - Drinking alcohol can cause health issues with your digestive system. It also causes dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath.

o Stress - You probably would have never thought that stress could cause bad breath, but it can. When you're stressed out, your digestive system is affected, which triggers bad breath.

Even with normal fresh breath, it could eventually transform into halitosis. Here are some other things that can cause bad breath:

o Cavities

o Dentures

o Drugs

o Insulin

o Gingivitis

o Vitamin Supplements

o Tonsils that catch food particles

o Cancer of the throat or mouth

o HIV infection

o Dehydration

There are solutions that you can try that can improve the quality of your breath. You can also use these to prevent bad breath. If you have bad breath, the answer may not be the same for everyone. Consult your physician for diagnosis, advise and treatment on bad breath. This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substiture for medical care.

Scott Wells writes for where you can learn more about therabreath coupons to help fight and prevent bad breath - just in time for the holiday season.

Bad Breath Causes

Examine Bad Breath (Halitosis) and Mouthwash additional

Bad Breath (Halitosis) and Mouthwash

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

You're standing in the hall with your friends telling them about an exciting new movie. But soon everybody is moving away.
"Sometimes someone's breath is so bad, you just have to keep backing up," says Marissa.

Fear strikes. Do you have that dreaded affliction--Dragon Breath?

Halitosis, or bad breath, most often comes from the activity of the millions of bacteria that live in your mouth. As these bacteria decompose the food you've eaten, they give off foul-smelling gases such as hydrogen sulfide (the smell of rotten eggs).

Most of the time your saliva washes away the decaying food and the bad breath. That explains why bad breath is often more noticeable in the morning: Your saliva stops working during the night. This leaves your mouth dry, and the dead cells stick to your tongue and inside your cheeks. The odor disappears when you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth and tongue.

Another kind of morning dragon breath is known as hunger odor. This bad breath develops when juices from your pancreas go into your stomach while you sleep. The odor goes away when you eat something.

Eating strong foods such as onions, garlic, or horseradish often causes bad breath several hours later, after they are absorbed into the bloodstream and the odors are carried to your lungs.

You may have noticed you have bad breath when you have to give a speech or take an exam. When you're stressed, your saliva stops working. Your mouth dries out, and the bacteria don't get washed away.

Sometimes bad breath indicates gum disease, especially when there is also bleeding around gum tissues.

Searching for the Dragon's Lair

Unfortunately, you can't always tell if you have bad breath. You're too used to your own smells, and you won't notice a foul odor. You can't expect others to tell you that your breath smells like a dumpster--it's not something people mention.

Some people suggest licking your hand and smelling it. Since most of the decay-producing activity occurs at the back of your tongue, this method isn't very reliable.

One way to check yourself for bad breath is to ask the opinion of a close friend--a very close friend--and make your friend promise to be completely honest with you. Even if your friend gives you a positive report, the condition of your mouth can change, and the dreaded dragon breath will return an hour later.

"I'd tell my best friend if her breath was bad," says Marissa. "But I'd whisper, and suggest she might want to use a breath mint."

Going for the kill

You may not always be able to beat the bacteria beast, bad breath, but Dr. Fred Siemon has some suggestions for keeping the dragon in its lair.

* Brush and floss every day, and clean your tongue gently with your toothbrush.

* Drink plenty of liquids to keep saliva production up. Hold the water in your mouth and swish it around to loosen food particles.

* Chew sugar-free gum or suck sugarless lozenges to increase saliva flow.

* Snack on fresh vegetables such as carrots and celery to keep plaque from forming.

* Rinse your mouth after eating or drinking milk products, fish, and meat.

* Brush your teeth with baking soda. If that sounds too gross, use a toothpaste that contains baking soda.

Does a Mouthwash Help?

A cosmetic mouthwash may hide your bad breath temporarily, but it doesn't do anything to get rid of the underlying causes of halitosis. Even an antiseptic mouthwash, which kills off the bacteria, loses its effectiveness in three hours when the bacteria grow back.

But what if you're going out on a big date? Dr. Maury Massler suggests that you eat an apple instead of rinsing with a mouthwash. The food gives you four to six hours of protection against bad breath, while mouthwashes only give you about two or three hours of security.

If you're still worried about halitosis, talk with your dentist about it at your next appointment. Don't be embarrassed. Helping you get at the root of the problem is part of a dentist's job.

Finally, don't worry yourself to death over your real or imagined fears about bad breath. You're not alone. As Dr. Siemon says, bad breath is democratic: It affects everyone alike-male and female, rich and poor, young and old of all races. But with proper dental care, you can conquer the dreaded demon and come out with a smile of victory.

My passion is research and writing. For more information or to learn more on Bad Breath (Halitosis), please visit my blog

Read 3 Steps to Stop Babies Bad Breath extra

Generally, babies are known to have pleasing and sweet breath. However, as parents we know this is not always true because babies can and do have bad breath. Yes, hundreds of mothers have reported this condition, and many of them have felt a little embarrassed as to how foul their babies breath can smell.

Babies bad breath is something that should not be left unattended or ignored. Depending on the foulness in the breath, it could be a serious infection. It could be a throat or mouth infection, or it could be sinusitis that causes the babies bad breath. So if you have noticed frequent smelly breath, consult a physician to identify the cause. Ask your pediatrician to inspect the gums and teeth of your child, and if the doctor finds certain problems associated with your baby's breath, then also see your dentist.

Babies bad breath can also be a result of mouth breathing versus nose breathing. Mouth breathing usually occurs as soon as the baby sleeps. This is actually the condition in which the muscles in the baby's mouth relax and the production of saliva drops, leaving the mouth dry. Once the mouth is dried, bacteria tends to grow. The longer the period that the baby sleeps, the higher the number of bacteria in the baby's mouth rises. This is actually one of the reasons that babies and adults all have the so-called morning breath.

So to prevent this in the future, it is best to clean your baby's mouth first thing in the morning. As your child gets older, you can teach the proper way of brushing teeth, and you can even teach them how to clean the tongue to eliminate any bad breath.

Finally, your baby could develop bad breath if he or she sucks his thumb. Thumb sucking will tend to dry the mouth, creating an ideal environment for the odor-causing bacteria to thrive and grow. This is also true when your baby is using a pacifier or sucks on a toy or blanket. What is important for you to realize is that babies bad breath can be made more intense if it happens that the object your child is sucking has repeated exposure to their saliva or oral bacteria.

To control the growth of bacteria in your baby's mouth, make sure that the hands of your child are properly washed. Also, never let him or her suck toys, un-sterilized pacifiers, or other such objects. If you want him or her to play with the pacifier, make sure that you have sterilized it. Finally, try to encourage your child to stop the sucking habit if you can. Of course, that may seem easier said than done, but you should still try.

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3 Steps to Stop Babies Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath Remedies - Tips to Cure Bad Breath more

Bad Breath

Bad breath or Halitosis is a common problem and more than 45 percent of the entire population have this problem. Many people are disgusted and embarrassed with halitosis problems. People who found to have this problem are most desperately looking for good bad breath remedies.

It is almost impossible to eliminate all the bacteria inside our mouth. The bacteria that feed on the leftover food particles are likely to cause bad breath and the white coating on our tongue is most likely to be the accumulated bacteria. However, we can reduce the bacteria through proper oral care. One of the tips to cure bad breath is brush and floss your teeth every time after food. Make it a habit to use a tongue scraper because it can be quite effective to reduce the bacteria found on the tongue.

Many people may have heard of bad breath remedies such as using mouthwashes or even kerosene to rinse their mouth. Such remedies are very unlikely to cure this problem because alcohol mouthwashes will only dry our mouth, making it worse. As for kerosene, it already does not smell pleasant and not to think about gargling inside your mouth.

Another tips to cure bad breath would be watching out your diet. Cut down on sugar and avoid eating highly acidic food or drinks. Food that can make your mouth smell bad like garlic or onions can also make it worse. Drink enough of water because a dry mouth can make the bacteria reproduce faster and hence making your breath smell bad.

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem, if you have been vexing with this problem recently, why not take this chance to get some instructions on the real and effective Bad Breath Remedies.

Start now to learn how to Get Rid Of Your Bad Breath within 1 day.

Bad Breath Remedies - Tips to Cure Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read through How To Use Cayenne To Cure Bad Breath additional

Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis is a common cause for worry and embarrassment for many people especially when the condition becomes chronic, meaning the person suffers from it all the time. It makes them very conscious of their surroundings and it may hinder the social life of the person. Those people may want to begin eating more cayenne pepper, as it has been proven to be a simple solution to many bad breath problems. While it will probably not work as a permanent remedy, cayenne pepper has been noted as a possible substance for treating mild cases of halitosis.

Bad breath may have its origin associated with oral problems (teeth and gum problems), systemic problems (those arising from the respiratory tract, lungs, stomach and digestive tracts) or from illness such as cold, infections in the throat, tonsillitis, etc. It may also be caused due to drying of the mouth (xerostomia) and due to poor oral hygiene.

If the condition is caused due to systemic problems, it can be reduced by removing or treating the systemic cause. Bad breath due to problems from the stomach is associated with conditions such as gastritis, reflux, heart burn, ulcers, etc.

Treating such systemic conditions is done with the help of drugs that are prescribed by a physician. In addition to this, there are some herbal cures and some homemade remedies that help alleviate the problem to certain extent. One such option to cure systemic conditions arising from the stomach is Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne and bad breath are polar opposites. The chemicals in this food attack and can break down many of the internal gastrointestinal chemicals which cause bad breath. Again, while it may not work for all people, this is a fast and easy way to prevent bad breath problems from arising in the first place.

Cayenne, whose scientific names are Capsicum frutescens or Capsicum annuum, is a hot pepper that is derived from capsicum and has an active ingredient called capsaicin. It is regularly used to treat a variety of conditions such as sinusitis, headaches, asthma, diabetes, pneumonia, arthritis, psoriasis, etc. It is helpful in improvement of blood circulation and the removal of toxins from the body. It is also helpful in treating a variety of gastrointestinal problems and aids in improving the digestion.

This substance is used to combat bad breath both directly and indirectly. The peppers are used directly when the source for bad breath is a dry mouth and indirectly when the cause is an underlying gastrointestinal problem.

Capsaicin in the pepper is helpful in combating bad breath by improving the flow of saliva and stimulating stomach secretions. In cases of dry mouth, chewing on some peppers of cayenne improves flow of saliva and thus reduces bad breath.

Cayenne has been recommended in treatment of gastritis, ulcers and in dyspepsia (difficulties in digestion). It is also used to stimulate hunger by taking it in the capsular form before food. It helps in improvement in peristaltic action in the digestive tracts and in repair of the tissues of the stomach. It also helps the body in stimulating the release of hydrochloric acid that is necessary for digestion.

Combating these gastrointestinal problems helps in indirectly reducing bad breath as these problems are a cause for halitosis. In addition to helping you get more saliva in your mouth, this substance is also helpful in improving the clearance of waste from the system thus reducing intestinal gases that may cause bad breath.

Cayenne, though a hot pepper, is a helpful ingredient in reducing gastrointestinal problems and is frequently used by many people suffering such problems and associated problems such as bad breath.

Richard Wilkins, owner and webmaster of Halitosis Solutions is a man who has suffered from symptoms of halitosis, or chronic bad breath, his entire life. After finally having gotten this disease under control, he has since made it his mission in life to spread the knowledge of halitosis treatment methods to everyone who suffers from this disease, no matter the severity.

How To Use Cayenne To Cure Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Helicobacter Pylori and Bad Breath much more

Researchers in Japan have found a link between Helicobacter pylori and bad breath (halitosis). Helicobacter pylori is known to cause stomach ulcers, and doctors have long suspected that some cases of bad breath (halitosis) are linked to stomach problems but, until now, scientific proof has been lacking. The study, reported in the Journal of Medical Microbiology (J Med Microbiol 57 (2008), 1553-1559), looked for the presence of H. pylori in the mouths of 326 subjects, 251 of whom suffered from oral malodor. The results indicted an association with not only halitosis, but also gum disease.

Does this mean stomach ulcer and halitosis go hand in hand? Not necessarily. Not all people who carry H. pylori have stomach ulcers, just as not all of them have oral malodor. The authors of the recent report suggest that gum disease may predispose people to having H. pylori in the mouth-that is, gum disease may create the ideal conditions for the bacterium to multiply in the mouth if it is introduced. Poor oral health, then, may be a stepping stone to Helicobacter pylori and bad breath.

Obviously, contact with this organism can increase the risk of both stomach ulcer and bad breath, since any organism that is found in the mouth is presumably also found in the stomach. Once assumed to be a harmless environmental bacterium, it is emerging as a significant cause of human health problems. It remains to be seen however, whether the evidence linking Helicobacter pylori and bad breath sparks additional research and increased efforts to find good antibiotic treatment.

For oral malodor sufferers, knowledge of a possible cause and effect relationship between Helicobacter pylori and bad breath may spark a desire to be tested for the organism. There is a blood test available for screening, though it's probably not known whether it will detect the organism in oral tissues. Ironically, a urea breath test has also been developed, the results of which may be questionable now that we know the bacterium can live in the mouth: this test may not differentiate between stomach ulcer and bad breath. The reported study used detection of specific DNA, an approach not likely to be available to the general public.

Bad Breath

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Helicobacter pylori and Bad Breath at Bad Breath Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Helicobacter Pylori and Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Understand Canine Bad Breath additional

Canine bad breath will take the fun out of holding your pet and getting those doggie kisses. This can also get so bad that nobody wants your pet around him or her. Of course this is embarrassing for you and hard on them because of the rejection they will receive. Nobody wants a stinky dog around them. But worse of all it can mean health problems for you pet.

We have all heard of "doggy breath" but truthfully a healthy dog does not have bad breath. There are many causes of this problem but the most common cause is the teeth and gums. Any cause of foul smelling breath or halitosis should be checked into as to the reason for this.

Canine dental care:

Periodontal disease can become very serious if not treated. Inflammation of the gums means infection of the tissue. If not treated this can predispose your pet to heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, arthritis and possibly other chronic diseases.

Plaque is caused from the acid in saliva and bacteria that sticks to the teeth. Calculus is the yellow brown material that sticks to the plaque. These cause an irritant and the beginning of periodontal disease.

Canine dentistry:

Canine bad breath is not something your dog should have. OK they don't have a sweet minty breath but it should in no way smell foul. His gums should be pink and healthy, his teeth white and firm.

Pet oral care:

Chewing is the natural way for a dog to clean their teeth. In the wild they would rip raw meat from the bone. Naturally the domesticated dog does not do this. So we must furnish our pets with chews that help clean their teeth.

Chew items can be bones (you must be careful as to what kind and they must be raw) rawhides and chew toys. Biscuits can make them fat if given too many so they are not much good for cleaning teeth.

Bones need to be raw and you must be careful as to what type you give them. Do not use cooked bones, poultry bones and pork bones as they can splinter and cause a number of problems and even death. So be very careful if you decide to give your pet a bone.

Chew toys are a great choice because they are made to encourage chewing. They are made up to endure the chewing and help to clean the teeth. A rawhide is fine once in awhile but you don't want to give your dog a steady diet of them. These also could cause them to gain weight and have problems if given too many.

Canine bad breath is not normal so please take care when this happens. Chances are it is his teeth but no matter what is causing it you want it treated. This is not only for your relief but for his comfort even more so than yours.

Linda is the successful publisher of the site Canine-Kids. She provides valuable information and help for you the pet owner and your dog. If you have found these tips useful then you may also find Canine-Kids helpful.

Canine Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Understand Causes of Bad Breath-Chronic-Halitosis Bad Breath more

We got together in my jeep, my friends and myself ready to have fun in our way. We were altogether five in number, and decided to head for the Rosal Park just down the street for a picnic. We had nursed this idea for a week now and selected the choicest of food (for so we thought) for ourselves. Just some moments later, I noticed an unbearable smell coming my direction from behind me. What's happening? I imagined, as I turned back, I saw my other friends discussing all with enthusiasm except for one - the main speaker trying to hide away his mouth. When we alighted from the jeep, there was a kind of isolation from this particular guy - I thought I was alone. Alas! My other friends have also noticed the bad smell almost oozing from this mouth! This is personal disgrace at its best!

He has bad breath, call it chronic if you like. Bad breath, chronic bad breathe or halitosis bad breath can cause you a lot of harm, interfere with your social and professional success. A lot of misinformation has been around for a while now concerning this disease. Bad breath can be caused by a number of reasons. Note that we are going A-Z on the causes of this success monster. First, we need to understand what bad breath means. Bad breath refers to a situation where the breath you exhale gives offensive odor. Surprisingly, most people living with bad breath have nit the faintest idea that they have one. The traditional breathing into your hand is just a myth, folks, it doesn't work! The primary cause for bad breathe, whether chronic or not is a bacterium that resides within the surface of the tongue and the throat.

This bacterium is called the anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria. Actually, these bacteria are originally supposed to be there of r a purpose - they function to help digestion. They help to breakdown proteins found in some food. Under some condition, these bacteria begin to function at a very high rate. Since they breakdown proteins and proteins are made up of amino acid that are dense with sulfur (this sulfur exactly is what smells and causes the odor), they are said to cause bad breath. Other supporting causes are bad teeth and gums - if they are in poor condition, they can contribute to bad breath. Also, consumption regularly or in large quantities of garlic, onions, alcohol, hot peppers, aromatic spices e.t.c.

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Causes of Bad Breath-Chronic-Halitosis Bad Breath

Go through Fix Bad Breath - How? extra

Stinky breath, halitosis, morning breath, rancid breath and no matter what kind of epithet and moniker it has, the fact that cannot be denied that each and every person in this world suffer from it. The awful odor emitting from the mood is certainly something that would turn people away, as to why, people who suffer from them also want to fix bad breath.

Not a single wonder cure or miracle fix has ever been developed in order to fix bad breath. However, there are numerous proven and effective ways and steps in order to prevent bad breath from developing and becoming a nuisance.

The first step in knowing how to fix bad breath and somehow prevent it from developing is to avoid certain habits and food. For one thing, smoking has been proven to contribute to the development of both temporary and chronic halitosis and bad breath, plus, it has been proven that most smokers, especially those that are chain smokers, tend to develop gum problems.

Alcoholic drinks are also notorious for causing breath problems. Not only do they have somewhat an undesirable odor themselves, but, because of their alcohol content, they dry up the mouth, making it a very hospitable place in which oral bacteria can develop in. These oral bacteria are responsible for the development of halitosis or bad breath, as well as other oral and dental problems.

The food that we eat are also responsible for causing bad breath, especially food that is unclean and also, indulging in too much sweets may also cause some problems and have been proven to lead to the development of tonsil stones and tonsillitis. Granted, these are considered to be minor dental problems, but given due time, these tonsil stones may grow and cause bad breath.

In order to fix bad breath and even prevent it from happening, the best thing to do is to know how to care for the teeth properly. This means brushing the teeth for at least three times a day, and using a toothbrush that has a cheek and tongue cleaner that allows cleaning of the cheek and tongue, both of which are parts of the mouth in which most oral bacteria reside in. It also is important to use a dental floss after eating, since it helps remove any food particles and scraps stuck in between the teeth.

Lastly, the most important thing to do in order to fix bad breath, especially if it has become chronic is to visit the dentist every six months or so. Doing so is important, for both sufferers and non-sufferers, to ensure that the teeth and mouth are properly cleaned all throughout.

Bad Breath

Stop Suffering Now:

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and explore my touching personal fight for fresh breath and how I managed to get rid of tonsil stones permanently.

Fix Bad Breath - How?

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath Cure more

Bad Breath is one of the most embarrassing problems that anybody could have, it interferes with every aspect of your life, from your social and sex life, to work and business life.

It's estimated that anywhere upwards of 90% of people will suffer from it at some point in their life, whether it be true halitosis or just the dreaded morning Breath. Bad Breath can be responsible for severe depression, and even end relationships with your friends, family or business associates.

We all worry about our breath at some point, as it is difficult smell your own breath, and people don't normally tell you about your problem. So why not try licking your wrist, then allow the saliva to air dry, and smell it yourself.

Or you can try scraping your tongue with a spoon, allow the residue to dry, and smell that, if the smell isn't too bad then you should feel pretty safe about your breath. However, as we do come accustomed to our own breath, you can always ask your partner, or trusted friend to smell your breath and be honest with you.

There are also home tests, that involve taking a swab of your tongue to determine the amount of sulfur compounds on there, you may have to take several tests at different times of the day to get an average, but they can be accurate. You can also use the portable halimeter, go to one of the new breath clinics popping up everywhere, or consult your doctor for an opinion. They should be able to take a swab, and determine how bad the sulfur compounds are.

So what causes bad breath :

While many people believe that Bad Breath originates from the stomach, 85 to 90% actually originates from the mouth, and the majority of that is from a small triangle area on the back of your tongue.

Your tongue contains anaerobic bacteria who's function is to break down proteins in your mouth, from food, mucus, and damaged tissue, the results of which creates odorous by-products such as volatile sulfur compounds like Hydrogen Sulphide, comparable to rotten eggs, Cadaverine comparable to corpses, Putrescine comparable to rotten meat and many more. You will always have some level of these VSCs, but you can decrease them so they are not detectable by the human nose.

These anaerobic bacteria live between tiny fibers called Papillae located on your tongue, this is because anaerobic means without oxygen, so they cannot survive on the surface of the tongue, they must bury between the Papillae. The reason the majority of them are located at the back of the tongue, is the front of the tongue is self cleaning, and often rubs against your teeth, and the roof of your mouth.

Things to do before treatment that can cut out bad breath :

Before treatment of bad breath certain things should be done to help combat it. The majority of bad breath is caused by a dry mouth, as your saliva contains oxygen to fight off the bad bacteria. Some things that are responsible for a dry mouth are listed below.

o The biggest cause of bad breath and dry mouth, is not drinking enough water, our bodies constantly need water and if our mouth is dry, then we are already dehydrated.

o The next is alcohol, and alcohol based mouthwashes, as these dry out the mouth. Even antiseptic mouthwash wears off in three hours allowing the bacteria to grow back in abundance worse than before. These mouthwashes only mask the problem not deal with the underlying cause, and can worsen the condition in the long run.

o Poor diet and smoking can also cause a dry mouth. Highly processed food, and food with high protein content, make the perfect food for the bacteria to break down and cause them smells as well.

o Certain medications such as cold remedies, blood pressure pills, antidepressants, and antihistamines, also have a drying effect. Talk with your doctor to see if they are really necessary, don't just stop taking them without your doctor's permission.

o Coffee has a high acid content, whether it contains caffeine or not. Bacteria thrive the more acidic your mouth is. PH below 7 is acidic and above is alkaline, your normal mouth is 6.5, so you want to push it towards 7.

o While chewing gum actually increases saliva, which is good to combat bad breath, the sugar content will actually do more harm than good, so make sure if you chew gum that it is sugarless.

Never use antibiotics to kill off the bacteria on your tongue, as most people have Candida on their tongue, which is kept in check by the helper bacteria, once the bacteria is wiped out the Candida is set free and can cause thrush or worse, you also run the risk of creating resistant strains of bacteria if you don't kill off all the bacteria.

Luke Lister was a former Candida sufferer who developed an all natural Candida Cleanse click the link to visit his site or go to

Bad Breath Cure

Bad Breath

Go through Herbs for Bad Breath a lot more

Bad Breath

Long before the first mouthwash came on the market, people were using herbs for bad breath. The rationale for this has probably been that many herbs have strong but pleasant flavors and scents that will mask a bad odor on the breath. They certainly do have this effect, but fortuitously, many of them also have antiseptic qualities that also assist with controlling the activities of bacteria in the mouth. Some of the earliest mouthwashes were developed from herbal remedies.

Listerine, a product that's been used for halitosis since early in the twentieth century, might well be considered a bad breath herbal remedy. Among it's ingredients are menthol (a derivative of the mint plant), eucalyptol from the eucalyptus tree, thymol (a derivative of thyme), and methyl salicylate (oil of wintergreen). These are all well known herbs for bad breath, and they all have antiseptic properties as well. It's no surprise that Listerine, even though it was formulated long before we really understood the causes of bad breath, really seems to work for many people.

Another popular and long standing bad breath herbal remedy is chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the key ingredient in Clorets, the successful breath mint products that have been around since the 1950s. Chlorophyll is a molecule produced by green plants that absorbs sunlight for the production of energy. By chance, it is also good at absorbing certain odors. Some plants have particularly high levels of chlorophyll, which makes them good candidate herbs for bad breath. These include parsley, green algae and many green vegetables.

Listerine and Clorets are both examples of a bad breath herbal remedy that's been incorporated into a commercial product (and the herbal origins all but forgotten), but if you prefer a home grown remedy, there is a long list of herbs to choose from. Peppermint, cloves, and fresh parsley are all well known, and relatively safe, herbs for bad breath. Cardamom, coriander, sage, anise, and dill are also on the list. Derivatives of bergamot, eucalyptus and other herbs are sometimes used. Remember however, that not all plants are safe to eat in large quantities, and plant oils are concentrated and may be toxic. Before you use any herbs for bad breath or herbal based preparation, do you homework to determine toxicity risks.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Herbs for Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Herbs for Bad Breath

Understand Kitten Bad Breath more

Kitten Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Kitten bad breath is not a common problem for new kitten owners, but some people do find that their kittens breath smells bad. Not surprisingly, bad breath in cats and kittens can be caused by the same things that cause halitosis in humans - gum or dental problems, respiratory problems, or underlying disease. There are also a few things particular to cats that can cause an unpleasant odor on the breath.

Feline bad breath is often caused by tartar build up on the teeth. Just like in dogs and humans, tartar on the teeth fosters the growth of oral bacteria that produce volatile sulfur compounds, airborne molecules that smell very unpleasant. Although tartar has not generally had time to accumulate enough to cause kitten bad breath, you should check the condition of your kitten's teeth and gums to be sure there is no tartar or inflammation there. If you see signs of trouble, a trip to the vet is probably in order.

Respiratory problems can also be a cause of kitten bad breath. This is usually easy to pinpoint because it will be accompanied by signs of respiratory illness. Again, like humans and dogs, cats can get viral or bacterial infections of the nasal passages, throat and lungs. In turn these infections can encourage the growth of bacteria and may cause feline bad breath. If your cat has a respiratory infection accompanied by bad breath, the breath problem should resolve as soon as the cat recovers.

Another unusual cause of feline bad breath can be underlying illness - some metabolic disorders and organ problems such as kidney disease can cause an unusual odor on the breath. In most cases, the odor will not the typical sulfur smell of classic halitosis, but may still be quite unpleasant. A kitten bad breath problem that can't be attributed to any other common cause may be a sign that your kitten has a more serious problem that should immediately be assessed by a vet.

One cause of feline bad breath that is particular to cats is feline acne. If your cat has feline acne, you will see black specks or bumps on the cat's chin. These black spots are a buildup of secretions from the animal's glands, and the affected area can also be a site for the proliferation of colonizing bacteria. This unhealthy area can be the source of an unpleasant odor around the mouth, so part of your search for the cause of kitten bad breath should be an examination of your cat's chin. Feline acne can be treated with disinfectants: consult your vet for professional advice.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Understand Bad Breath Pregnancy extra

When we're reading about causes of bad breath pregnancy is not often listed, however many pregnant women do complain about having halitosis or about experiencing a persistent unpleasant or metallic taste in the mouth. Bad breath during pregnancy may result from hormonal changes or deteriorating dental health.

Sudden bad breath is always a sign that something has changed and it should prompt a self-assessment of recent changes in life style, diet or health. It may well be a sign that a visit to the dentist or doctor is in order. If you are pregnant and you suddenly develop bad breath pregnancy may be the indirect cause; however, it could also be a sign of health problems or the onset of gum disease. If careful and persistent oral care practices don't clear up the problem, see you doctor rather than assuming that it will go away on its own once the pregnancy is over.

It's well known that pregnant women have increased calcium needs and are at greater risk of tooth decay if these calcium needs are not met. When the diet is deficient in calcium, the mineral is taken from the teeth to provide for the developing baby. Tooth decay and gum disease often go hand in hand - when this process starts in the mouth, it can contribute to sudden bad breath. Pregnant women should always be under a doctor's care and have regular dental checkups to catch problems early. Bad breath pregnancy problems are problematic to treat because of the difficulty with taking medications or undergoing medical procedures during this delicate time.

An unpleasant taste in the mouth may not mean that there is also bad breath. The taste can often be dealt with over the short term with lozenges or breath mints (choose sugar free if possible to reduce the chances of tooth decay). When there is true bad breath pregnancy does limit the measures you can safely take, though mouthwashes, which are not swallowed, are generally safe to use. Always read the label instructions carefully, and consult your doctor if you are in doubt or if you experience unexplained sudden bad breath.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Remedies, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Bad Breath Pregnancy

Bad Breath

Understand Bad Breath Cause - The Many Possibilities a lot more

Bad Breath

Bad breath causes embarrassing situations for people all the time. In fact, if you attend a lot of business meetings, love to social network or have someone special in your life the last thing you want to worry about is having poor smelling breath. However, if you do live with this problem, it is essential for you to learn each type of bad breath cause which in turn would provide you the opportunity to eliminate it.

Unfortunately, less than sweet smelling breath is not just embarrassing but it can actually result in a person being outcast. After all, no one wants to get too close to a person with bad breath and worst of all, telling someone about the problem is difficult even for a close friend or family member. The interesting thing is that an issue with your breath can appear literally at any phase in life and this problem is unbiased, meaning it affects both men and women of all ages and from all lifestyles.

In fact, regardless of the bad breath cause so many people around the world are worried about the problem of breath odor that the mouthwash industry is now worth $1 billion annually! The most common bad breath cause is bacteria, which could be caused by a number of factors to include small particles of food being trapped between teeth to infection, not just of the mouth, but an infection somewhere within the systemic body.

The cause that is most often the culprit and the easiest to treat has to do with food. Although brushing at least three times daily is vital to a healthy mouth, for treating and eliminating bad breath, it is not enough. After eating, tiny food particles will find their way in between the teeth where they become trapped. Unless the teeth are flossed after each snack and meal, the food begins to decay leading to bad breath.

Interestingly, when looking at what goes on inside the human mouth, most people are shocked to discover that virtually millions of potentially pathogenic bacteria reside there. For this reason, if teeth are not flossed to remove food particles the result is bacteria decomposing the food that leads to the number one bad breath cause. As food remains trapped, certain gasses are developed and released to include methyl mercaptan, hydrogen sulfide, putrescence, dimethyl disulfide, indole, skatole and cadaverine.

This clearly shows that the number one cause of mal-smelling breath is poor oral hygiene. If teeth are not brushed and flossed and the tongue, which harbors most of the bacteria is not cleaned, various types of bacteria will actually start to putrefy blood oozing from diseased gum tissue. When this happens, the odor produced in the mouth is intolerable for people around you but also you!

Another cause of bad breath is the wearing of dentures or partial plates. In this case, the problem can occur in one of two ways. First, if the dentures or partial plates are not made from the right, high quality material, odors can actually be absorbed. When this happens, it would not matter how much you brushed or flossed, the bad breath smell would be embedded into the material itself. Second, dentures are notorious for trapping food particles so they must be brushed and flossed but also thoroughly cleaned using a proper solution daily.

The thing to remember about bad breath is that everyone has it, especially first thing in the morning when the salivary glands have not functioned at full speed while asleep at night. However, causes of harsh smelling breath could also be from something more serious. For this reason, if you struggle with chronic bad breath but you follow a strict organ hygiene regimen, you should see your doctor or dentist to determine if an infection somewhere in the body is the actual culprit. If so, antibiotics would be administered making a significant improvement.

Ken Branson is a health care provider with a passion for exercise, health and fitness. He enjoys assisting others to create, obtain and maintain their personal health and fitness goals. For more information on bad breath causes, visit

Bad Breath Cause - The Many Possibilities

Examine Bad Breath Toothpaste more

Are you looking for cheap ways to battle breath odor issues? Why do you need to battle this condition? Toothpaste is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to attack foul breath. Toothpaste in general cleans your teeth and provides you with that fresh feeling, removing bacteria and food particles that get left behind. But which bad breath toothpaste do you need to keep that clean, refreshed feeling?

Bad breath toothpastes are numerous in the market. You need to discern which is good for you and which can exacerbate the problem. What you need in your bad breath toothpaste are ingredients that are not harmful to your mouth and can actually fight bacteria that multiply and produce that rotten egg smell people associate with halitosis. There are some toothpaste brands that dry your mouth, while there are also some that cause mouth sores, which you should obviously go out of your way to avoid. The best way to fight breath issues is to go with herbal toothpastes. So what are considered good ingredients in bad breath toothpaste?

Tea tree oil - tea tree oil contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Xylitol - this is an all natural sweetener that has plaque fighting properties.
Myrrh - myrrh is an herb that contains plaque causing bacteria.
Clove - clove is considered a powerful breath freshener.
Echinacea - this stimulates the immune system and contains several bacteria and fungal fighting properties.
Baking soda - this is an alkaline that can be used in toothpaste. When combined with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, this can battle breath problems by going after the bacteria that produce breath odor.

These are just examples of herbs and natural organic ingredients that can be used to effectively deal with foul breath. There are other examples on the market that you can use, but these have been proven to be the most effective.

Now that you know which bad breath toothpaste work best, make sure to use this regularly and brush your teeth after every meal. Do not forget to clean your tongue and in between teeth as well by using tongue scrapers and floss. Some other things you can do to alleviate breath problems is to make sure you keep you mouth moist and hydrated. Chew sugarless gum or drink water with a twist of lime to stimulate saliva production. After all, while the use of bad breath toothpaste can be effective, it will not solve all your problems if you only rely on this method.

Bad Breath

Gillian is a bad breath expert and co-creator of the new web-site: Get lots more info there on Bad Breath Toothpaste and also check out her Free 10-part Mini-eCourse, "Naturally Remove the Bad Breath Blues", it might be all you'll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)

Bad Breath Toothpaste

Bad Breath

Read through Constipation Bad Breath additional

Bad Breath

Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of ex.html">Bad Breath Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about Bad Breath - and much more.

Constipation Bad Breath

Read through What Causes Bad Breath in Adults? much more

Bad Breath

What causes bad breath in adults is the one question so many adults would like to know. This Problem for adults can be embarrassing, annoying and very frustrating at times. Do you find that you are conscious and anxious about your breath? Do you find yourself turning your head away while talking to people and even constantly having to buy chewing gum or mints just to hopefully disguise your smell while talking to people? only finding out that chewing gum does you no good at all it actually makes it worse believe it or not. You are not on your own almost everyone will suffer with this problem at some stage in their life.

Causes Of Bad Breath In Adults

The main cause of bad breath in adults is anerobic bacteria. This bacteria is caused by left over food in the mouth. Usually the problem originates in the back of the mouth. Another causes is gum disease and infections. This is an irreversible disease caused by poor oral hygiene. A build up of plaque, bacterial and left over food particles destroy your gums surrounding your teeth. The cause of this problem in adults may also be due to an underlying health condition. These underlying health problems could be diabetes, lung infections or kidney failure

What Causes Your Breath To Become Worse

- Garlic and Onions: This is because they contain pungent oils that are absorbed through your blood stream during digestion, these food odors are then carried to your lungs and the smell is then evident when you exhale.- Digestion of Food: The digestion of food may also cause foul smells to be released through the mouth. Bad digestion and constipation may worsen the smell.- Lack of Flossing and Brushing: This can cause a build up in the mouth and between the teeth of the food we eat.- Dry Mouth: As saliva naturally cleanses the mouth the lack of it will increase the smelling bacteria.- Smoking: This is because the chemical and residue of the smoke is left behind in your mouth and lungs.

- Myths About What Eliminates Bad Breath In Adults

1- Mouthwash: This statement is not totally the truth as mouthwash only temporarily get rid of your problem.2- Brushing your teeth: Again this statement is only partially true because brushing only temporarily solves the problem. As well as it only being temporarily, brushing alone does not get rid of all the bacteria within your mouth.3- Gums and mints: Again this is only a temporary effect. They may also worsen breath as many contain sugar that bacteria feeds on.

Cure Your Bad Breath Starting Today

This is only a small problem but is not a nice thing for any adult to have or anyone for that matter. Everyone that has this problem knows it can effect you everyday, your private life and your work life. if you want to know more about this issue and how you can cure it forever you can check it out here [http://BAD-SMELLING-BREATH-CURE.INFO]

What Causes Bad Breath in Adults?

Bad Breath

Read Anaerobic Bacteria - The Cause Of Bad Breath more

The most common cause for bad breath is due to the existence of anaerobic bacteria that lives inside your mouth. Around 90 percent of individuals suffer from bad breath due to this one reason.

What is Anaerobic Bacteria?

The term Anaerobic means that these types of bacteria thrive in locations that do not have oxygen. Bad breath usually comes from Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria.

Inside our mouth we can find a lot of bacteria. There are good bacteria that do not cause bad breath and bad bacteria that do. The two types of bacteria are constantly trying to multiply and gain living space. The one which is able to thrive better will determine whether or not we will get our bad breath.

How Bacteria Make Your Breath Smell

Like other organisms, anaerobic bacteria survive by consuming food and excreting wastes that are usually sulfur-based compounds. Such wastes found in your mouth can cause extremely smelly breath. In most cases, you can associate the stench caused by sulfur compounds with rotten eggs, barnyard smell and ocean smells.

These compounds are labeled as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) and they are very volatile. Because of that, they can evaporate with ease and will constantly cause bad breath. Often, this embarrassing condition will affect our social lives.

Bacteria Waste Products

Although volatile sulfur compounds are the main cause of bad breath, it is not the only one. Waste products from these bacteria also contribute to it. These unpleasant odors are usually combined so we end up having bad breath caused by waste products and VSCs.

Different waste products from bacteria can be associated with different bad smells. Putrescine is a compound that is linked with bad smells from rotting or decaying meat. When the bad breath smells like human fecal matter, we are dealing with Skatole waste products and when the smell is similar to that of sweat filled feet, Isovaleric Acid is most likely to be the cause.

Everyone is prone to develop such bad breath types. In most cases they can not be detected by our noses because the human nose can not detect low levels of anaerobic bacteria waste products. Bad breath will only come about when the amount of bacteria waste products reaches a certain threshold. That is when your stinky breath will become obvious.

Common Causes For Increasing Anaerobic Bacteria

The first common cause is plaque. Plaque accumulation provides the perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria. This is because a layer of such plaque that is around 0.1 millimeters becomes oxygen free, thus creating the perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria to start multiplying and creating volatile sulfur compounds and bad odor waste products. The simple conclusion is that the more plaque builds up on your teeth or tongue, the more bad breath causing bacteria will appear and multiply and that will only make your breath smell really bad.

Another main cause is protein. In most cases, odoriferous compounds appear because of waste products eliminated by anaerobic bacteria when they digest protein. If we consume foods that are high on protein like fish and meat, we are not only feeding ourselves, but the anaerobic bacteria as well. Other examples of foods rich in protein include eggs, dairy foods, seafood, meat and many more.

How to deal with the problem of anaerobic bacteria and bad breath

We do know that volatile sulfur compounds released by anaerobic bacteria are the root cause. Hence, in order to get rid of the bad smells in our mouth, we have to clean our mouth properly. Cleaning our mouth properly will minimize the food that is available for anaerobic bacteria and will reduce their numbers. This is why brushing and flossing after each meal is recommended by dentists.

Also by reducing the existence of an oxygen-free environment for bacteria to grow in, it will make our mouth less hospitable for anaerobic bacteria. We can also utilize different products that can neutralize VSCs and they are usually included in tooth pastes and mouthwashes.


While anaerobic bacteria are a major cause of bad breath, it might not be the reason behind your bad breath problems. If you are sure that your oral hygiene is good and you still find bad breath to be a problem, you need to consult a doctor. Cleaning appointments with your dentist are also necessary in some cases. These meetings will allow the dentist to clean tartar off your teeth, will prevent possible dental problems that might cause bad breath.

Bad Breath

Do you know that chewing gum can fight bad breath? Learn what other bad breath remedies are available with our free resources.

Anaerobic Bacteria - The Cause Of Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath, Movie Stars' Greatest Nightmare - A Case Study more

Bad Breath

Movie stars with bad breaths will lose strategic roles because of this condition. They are a group of individuals with unique characteristics, married or not, they accept indulging in acts that most normal individual will not. They act prostitutes, homosexuals, intimates love scenes, scenes that cannot be taken by anyone not born to be a movie star.

Imagine the embarrassment, you face coming to work with a bad breath every day? Everyone takes a step backwards each time you speak? No one agrees to take a love scene with you that require some intimate talk and kissing? You may be the best actor in the world but this little issue of bad breath which can be solved within hours is tearing your life apart. You maybe unlucky that your colleagues never mentions that you have a bad breath and why things seem to be the way they are with you. You start examining every step of your life in an effort to crack down this disturbing issue. No matter how much you try to be more friendly, kind, tolerant, supportive to everyone, things seems to get worst. The next thing you do is to retreat, low self-esteem streams in, going to work is no longer fund, you start making flimsy excuses why you were absent from work the previous day and by no time you realize that you fire yourself or you are fired for job irregularities.

Because of the importance of movie stars in the entertainment industry, they have become celebrities and gained great influence in almost all aspects of life. What they say can influence the political map of a country, the religion, culture and even sciences and technology. At this point, they are no longer restricted to a hand full of workmates who have managed to contain their offensive mouth odors but also to the entire world in which they may be acting as good will ambassadors. For example, goodwill ambassadors to UNICEF who are or where movie stars amongst a list are Lord Richard, Vanessa Redgrave, Angelina Jolie, Orlando bloom, Jackie Chan, Mia Farrow, Sir Roger Moore, Susan Sarandon, Vendela Thomessen. They meet top ranking officials from the heights of the president of the United States down to the lowest class of people situated in all the corners of the world. It is their responsibility to speak out against neglected aspects of life that requires human attention, for example HIV/AIDS campaign, fight against child molestation, against women rights or refugees etc.

Imagine the embarrassment bad breathed movie stars will have when they witness rejection from the top down to the bottomed underprivileged. Their interlocutors will prefer telephone conversations rather than a face to face contact while those they meet in the fields will have no option but to shy away from them.

Why do we have to let things go this worst before we act? Prevention is better than cure which means proper mouth hygiene from the beginning is an obligation to anyone of us. The good news is that even when things have gone this bad, we can still fix them and move on like nothing ever happened.
There are clear signs to to take note of if you suspect a bad breath. As if the rejections at work and amongst our friends are not enough, and after all the efforts we put to make them love us and come to us have failed, let us examine the following signs; Constant dry mouth, mouth infections with red or swollen gums, respiratory tract infections like sore throat, mucus producing cough or from the nostrils are conditions that lead to bad mouth breath. The best and most effective way to know is to ask close friends what they think about your mouth odor.

Lets come out of the darkness and face the reality of life and leave it to its fullest.

Author: Karlhans Che

Bad Breath, Movie Stars' Greatest Nightmare - A Case Study

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Remedy - Home Treatments For Bad Breath much more

Halitosis or bad breath --- has been a big problem for those people who are affected by it. Those people, who, even by their endless effort to brush their teeth and drown their mouths with mouthwash, fail without success; they cannot seem to fight it off. But they must not succumb to it easily because there are ways to solve that problem of theirs. A bad breath remedy, one that they could do at the comforts of their own homes is the most convenient and easiest way to combat halitosis.

One simple bad breath remedy that these people could do is to make sure that they drink eight glasses a day or even more than that, to keep their bodies hydrated and their mouths as well. They should be wary about the amount of water that goes through their bodies as this is essential in cleansing and detoxifying toxins and possible bacteria in their body, mouth and teeth. Another easy thing that they could do to keep halitosis at bay is to eat fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples, strawberries and kiwis. Vitamin C is actually known to be the element that holds cells together, so if not taken adequately it can cause gum breakdown, and in turn making them tender and more vulnerable to disease and bacteria, thus, contributing to the horrendous effects of bad breath. In addition to that, munching on vegetables like carrots, celery and broccoli may help clean gums and could also be a bad breath remedy.

Drinking tea is one good remedy; the use of fenugreek has been considered the most effective of all. A tea made from the seeds of fenugreek, is advised by many to be taken on a regular basis to correct foul breath. The use of avocado is another natural bad breath remedy that is highly recommended; as it efficiently removes intestinal putrefaction which is one of the causes of halitosis. An alternative fruit would be guava (the unripe one), as a bad breath remedy; chewing tender leaves of a guava tree is a good tonic for both the teeth and gums; also, it helps cure bleeding coming from the gums and eventually stops foul breath.

Parsley is also an effective breath refresher; you boil two cups of water together with several sprigs of parsley, chopped roughly, and should be immersed in the water along with two or three whole cloves; afterwhich, you strain it and use it as a mouthwash for several times a day.

However, you should also remember that having a well balanced diet has a big bearing on having a good breath. Your diet should mainly consist of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts. You should avoid consuming refined carbohydrate foods, like white sugar, white bread and products made from them. Most of all, you should religiously clean your teeth twice a day; remove meat particles from the in-betweens of your teeth and if in case of bleeding gums, do not hesitate to pay a visit to your dentist. Another trivia, the use of margosa (from margosa tree), its twigs, as a toothbrush is known to be the best and most effective method of cleaning the teeth. Still, there could be a lot of ways as to how you could prevent and stop bad breath. You could follow just one bad breath remedy or you could do several; it would all depend on your preference.

Bad Breath
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Bad Breath Remedy - Home Treatments For Bad Breath