Understand Bad Breath in Children - Knowing the Most Common Causes extra

Bad Breath

A common misconception that people have towards bad breath is that they are only limited to adults and teens. Big misconception indeed! Bad breath extends to everyone including children. This may hard to digest but it is no joke. Bad breath in children just like in adults can be triggered by certain factors. There are actually two very common factors that can trigger bad breath.

These are the following:
• Poor Oral Hygiene
• Unhealthy diet

One of the quickest ways to find out if your kid has bad breath is to let him/her lick the palm of his hand. Let the saliva dry and then smell your kids hand. Whatever you smell from that palm is sure to be the smell of your kid's mouth.

Poor or mediocre oral hygiene is one of the common causes of bad breath in children. This should an easy one to fix though. Just simple teach your children to thoroughly brush their teeth. Two minutes is the minimum brushing time required for each child. Make sure that each tooth is brushed thoroughly with the gums being attended to as well.

One challenge that you may on this is your child's unwillingness to brush. Given their carefree nature, children would much rather choose to play rather than brush their teeth. Promise them rewards but be sure not to spoil them. If they become too dependent on your promises for a reward they might think that brushing would always mean a prize. If you need to scold them you need to do it.

The number two most common cause of bad breath in children is poor diet. Children need all the nutrition that they can get and some parents because of this growth rule tend to disregard the monitoring of their kid's diet. They literally just feed them anything. Sugar is very prevalent in kid's diet and this is a very common cause of the buildup of plaque and bacteria.

The best way to fight this is to gradually eliminate the presence of sugar filled sodas in your kid's diets. This should not pose to be too much of task for any parent since most kids will eat just about anything you give them. Educate on your child on what's good for them. They might not get it at first but eventually they will. When you are a bit in doubt as to what route you should take with regards to your kid's diet, it is always wise to consult the help of a professional.

I'm Carl Demetria, M.D. and I have been helping people win the war against bad breath for over 5 years. Discover all the secrets medical practitioners and herbalists use to help their patients find relief quickly and naturally, with my popular free eCourse, available at => [http://www.curingbadbreatheasily.com]

Bad Breath in Children - Knowing the Most Common Causes

Go through Three Major Causes of Bad Breath in Children additional

What are the causes for bad breath in children? My small girl suffered from halitosis and I know from experience that it is not a very pleasant situation. I always wanted to know why does my toddler have bad breath? I did a lot of research on the subject. If you want to know what causes poor breath in children, then read to find out more.

Bad breath is a common problem in adults, however pungent breath in kids is even worse even though sometimes ignored. This condition it can affect a child very early in life but it can have a huge impact on the child later in life if it is not treated early.

There are many different causes for toddler bad smell. Knowing whether your child has bad mouth odor is very simple, the bad pungent smell in the mouth constantly or occasionally is a perfect sign.

So what are common Causes For Bad Breath in children?

Chronic bad breath in children is caused by a build up of excessive oral bacteria in the mouth and tongue. The build up is due to food debris in the mouth, plaque or the otherwise common gum disease in toddlers.

Some common foods such as onions and garlic are real suspects causing bad smell in the mouth. These foods contain volatile sulfur compounds which smell bad after some incubation in the oral cavity leading to bad breath. Diary products such as cheese and milk also cause a child's breath to smell bad after consumption. Sugar packed foods also make bacteria to grow by providing perfect conditions in the mouth of kids.

Lack of saliva in the mouth also lead to smelly mouths in children, this is why a child with halitosis will have bad pungent mouth early in the morning.This is due to the inactivity of salivary glands when the child is asleep. Some medications like aspirin can also lead to a decrease in saliva production. Saliva is used for digestion and also act as a natural mouth wash.

Though not common in adults, infections can be a major cause of bad oral cavity odor in children. These include tonsillitis and respiratory infections in children. Other infections in toddlers like kidney and gastrointestinal disturbance can also lead to bad smell from the mouth.

Poor dental hygiene in children can also lead to halitosis, children need to brush for three minutes two times a day. If this is not done well, then a child can have an offensive smell form the mouth.

Halitosis in children should be controlled very early to avoid having them suffering from low self esteem later in life.

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Three Major Causes of Bad Breath in Children

Read through Causes of Bad Breath-Chronic-Halitosis Bad Breath far more

We got together in my jeep, my friends and myself ready to have fun in our way. We were altogether five in number, and decided to head for the Rosal Park just down the street for a picnic. We had nursed this idea for a week now and selected the choicest of food (for so we thought) for ourselves. Just some moments later, I noticed an unbearable smell coming my direction from behind me. What's happening? I imagined, as I turned back, I saw my other friends discussing all with enthusiasm except for one - the main speaker trying to hide away his mouth. When we alighted from the jeep, there was a kind of isolation from this particular guy - I thought I was alone. Alas! My other friends have also noticed the bad smell almost oozing from this mouth! This is personal disgrace at its best!

He has bad breath, call it chronic if you like. Bad breath, chronic bad breathe or halitosis bad breath can cause you a lot of harm, interfere with your social and professional success. A lot of misinformation has been around for a while now concerning this disease. Bad breath can be caused by a number of reasons. Note that we are going A-Z on the causes of this success monster. First, we need to understand what bad breath means. Bad breath refers to a situation where the breath you exhale gives offensive odor. Surprisingly, most people living with bad breath have nit the faintest idea that they have one. The traditional breathing into your hand is just a myth, folks, it doesn't work! The primary cause for bad breathe, whether chronic or not is a bacterium that resides within the surface of the tongue and the throat.

This bacterium is called the anaerobic sulfur-producing bacteria. Actually, these bacteria are originally supposed to be there of r a purpose - they function to help digestion. They help to breakdown proteins found in some food. Under some condition, these bacteria begin to function at a very high rate. Since they breakdown proteins and proteins are made up of amino acid that are dense with sulfur (this sulfur exactly is what smells and causes the odor), they are said to cause bad breath. Other supporting causes are bad teeth and gums - if they are in poor condition, they can contribute to bad breath. Also, consumption regularly or in large quantities of garlic, onions, alcohol, hot peppers, aromatic spices e.t.c.

Bad Breath

That's it on the causes of bad breath Visit http:// www.freshbreath4life.blogspot.com now! For simple incredible ways to eliminate bad breath fast!

Achi has been helping a number of people eliminate the success monster – bad breath. Visit http://www.freshbreath4life.blogspot.com now! For simple incredible ways to eliminate bad breath fast!

Causes of Bad Breath-Chronic-Halitosis Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath - Causes And Treatment a lot more

For any individual, it is difficult to know whether his or her breath is bad. The oral cavity is connected to the nose at the back of the mouth. Because of this most odors of the mouth are filtered out of the nose. It is therefore possible to have less than pleasing breath and still not be aware of it.

Causes of Foul Breath

Bad breath causes are many. Some of the causes are listed below:

Poorly maintained oral hygiene. This includes improper brushing of the teeth and flossing.
Disease of the gums.
Eating foods with strong odors such as onion, garlic, etc.
Overuse of tobacco products.
Medical conditions that lead to dry mouth. It can be even due to certain medications.
Bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., can cause the breath to smell
Systemic diseases such as cancer and disorder of the liver, kidney, etc.

'Morning breath' is a common condition in most individuals in which bad odor emanates from the mouth because of reduced saliva flow in the night. This condition can be eliminated with proper brushing and flossing the teeth properly. However, if you have halitosis, foul smelling breath is prevalent most of the time. It can be detected by covering your nose and mouth with your hand, exhaling and smelling the breath. If the bad smell persists even after proper brushing, you have bad breath. Many people think that prevalence of a bad taste in mouth is due to halitosis. However, this is a poor indicator.

How to Treat Bad Breath

Having smelly breath is a socially distressing condition and can cause embarrassment and in worse cases lead to social isolation and other sever problems. However, if the cause of bad breath can be identified, it can be done away with a proper treatment plan in place.

Listed below are three possible ways in which you can cure bad breath:

1. Removing Plaque Buildup and Good Oral Care

If the cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene, it is a good idea to visit a professional dentist who would provide guidance on the correct way to brush the teeth and floss regularly. The dentist may also advise to clean the tongue gently during the time of brushing to remove the excess plaque build-up. An antimicrobial mouthwash also serves to help.

2. Treating Gum Disease

If the underlying cause for the bad breath is gum disease, it is a good idea to contact a periodontist. The clean-up by the periodontist would effectively remove the deposits and bacteria that have accumulated below the gums and this helps to cure the emanating bad breath.

3. Medication for an underlying disorder

If chronic sinusitis causes the bad breath, the regular use of a saline nasal spray may help. A course of specific antibiotics may kill the overgrowth of sulfur producing anaerobic bacteria which is causing the bad breath.

The doctor or dentist would be able to identify the exact cause of the halitosis and recommend an effective method of treatment. You can visit this website for more information and additional help on halitosis and its effective treatment.

Bad Breath

Okan is the creator of www.howtotreatbadbreath.org [http://www.howtotreatbadbreath.org], an online site dedicated to helping people eliminate the problem of chronic bad breath once and for all.

Bad Breath - Causes And Treatment

Read through Bad Breath: Know More About Its Causes and Solutions much more

Bad Breath: Know More About Its Causes and Solutions

Bad Breath

Bad breath is something that everyone wants to avoid at all costs - for their own sakes, and for the sakes of the people around them. It is helpful to learn more about the causes of bad breath, so you will have the knowledge of how certain factors help its development. Knowing more about the solutions on the other hand, help you in dealing with the less-than-pleasant odour emanating from the mouth.

Common Causes

Food - The consumption of food with strong odours or tastes can lead to bad breath. It is not surprising that garlic can still be smelled on one's breath a few hours after it has been consumed - especially if proper dental hygiene (tooth brushing and dental flossing) is not practiced after consuming food with garlic. Coffee and red wine can also contribute to unpleasant-smelling breath - again, especially if the mouth is not properly cleaned after drinking these beverages.

Dry Mouth - Saliva naturally washes away food particles that can lead to the bacteria and germs multiplying inside the mouth. A dry mouth will be a good breeding ground for the multiplication of bacteria and germs, which can then lead to bad breath.

Dental Problems - Dental problems and infections inside the mouth can lead to germs and bacteria multiplying - which are perfect ingredients for the development of bad breath.

Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption - Smoking cigarettes and chewing on tobacco not only leads to stained teeth - they can also leave the mouth (and the breath) smelling unpleasant. The consumption of alcoholic beverages such as red wine can also leave the mouth and the breath smelling unpleasant - even more so if proper oral hygiene is not practiced.

Health Problems Associated with Bad Breath

Dental problems and mouth infections can cause bad breath to develop. However, there are some other medical conditions such as:

Blood disorders
Kidney diseases
Liver diseases
Lung diseases
Gallbladder diseases
Digestive tract diseases
Tonsils or sinuses infection
CarcinomaHow to Prevent Bad Breath

Regular Tooth Brushing - Regular and proper tooth brushing can help in the prevention of bad breath, especially after the consumption of food items that have strong odours or tastes. Tooth brushing ensures that food particles inside the mouth and in between the teeth are removed, so that these food particles cannot cause it.

Proper Dental Flossing - Proper dental flossing can effectively remove food particles in between the teeth and the gum line that have not been removed by tooth brushing alone.

Tongue Cleaning - Cleaning the tongue can also help in the prevention of bad breath, since the tongue can be a breeding ground - causing germs and bacteria. A tongue scraper can effectively clean the tongue without discomfort; however a toothbrush can also be used to clean the tongue in the absence of a tongue scraper.

Drinking Plenty of Water - Water consumption can wash away any food bits that can contribute to the development of bad breath. Drinking plenty of water also prevents the development of a dry mouth, which can in turn lead to bad breath.

Regular Toothbrush Replacement - Toothbrushes should be replaced on a regular basis, especially when they are showing obvious signs of wear and tear. Replacing the toothbrush when needed ensures that you get the most out of a toothbrush's life, and also eliminates the possibility of your toothbrush being a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

Regular Dental Check-Ups - Regular visits to the dentist can prevent its development, as the dentist will be able to detect dental problems that may lead to it; your dentist will also be able to provide you with the information and tools necessary to avoid the development of bad breath altogether.

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Read Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath a lot more

The idea of taking a mint to freshen your breath seems pretty convenient to many people. The mint tastes good, usually sweet, and it makes your mouth smell good.

What these people don't know is that many breath mints contain sugar, thus making your breath smell even worse after a certain period of time, more precisely when bacteria starts forming in your mouth.

As we all know bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in your mouth that feed upon the things you eat, and produce wastes. These wastes are the source of your bad breath. By eating mints, you may temporarily cover up the smell of your breath, but after a while it will return because of the sugar contained in the mints.

Breath mints work because they make you think that your breath smells nice, using the fresh smell that they produce when you put them in your mouth. After eating breath mints, people don't worry about their breath anymore, thinking that the product did it's job. People also have this opinion about sweet foods such as chocolate, cookies, cake or whatever. It's not about how good the food smells, it's about the sugar and the fact that it helps form that nasty bacteria in your mouth.

Clinical quality mints like TriOral or BreathRx, are made without sugar. These type of mints are sweetened with xylitol, a non-sugar sweetener, so they really do what they are supposed to do. Most chewing gum these days is also sugar free, and all the manufacturers specify that.

Bad Breath


Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath

Read through Vitamins for Bad Breath extra

Will taking vitamins for bad breath work? In the past, bad breath was attributed to poor oral hygiene - if you had it, people assumed that you did not brush your teeth regularly and have regular dental checkups to ensure that your gums were healthy and your teeth free of cavities. In short, it was your fault. More recently, we've realized that even a clean healthy mouth can generate a bad odor if the oral bacteria that produce that odor become too numerous. We've also realized that certain physical conditions, such as post nasal drip, sinus problems, and dry mouth can contribute to bad breath.

The idea that there may be a connection between nutrition and bad breath has grown out of the 21st century emphasis on healthy lifestyles and preventative medicine. Many health problems can be prevented, we now believe by eating a healthy diet and having an active lifestyle. This approach , successfully followed, might alleviate not only bad breath, but also the underlying problems, like post nasal drip, that contribute to it. Logically, then, vitamins for bad breath might make sense.

A few bad breath professionals have gone so far as to highlight the issue of nutrition and bad breath, and are recommending specific vitamins and minerals, or even marketing their own dietary supplement. Beyond advocating good nutrition, some are suggesting that the immune system plays a role in the causes of bad breath and that a strengthened immune system will help solve the problem. The perfect minerals and vitamins for bad breath, then, will include those involved in maintaining good oral health, and those that support the immune system, many of which are the same.

Vitamin C is an obvious choice: we've known for hundreds of years that people who don't eat fruits and vegetables get scurvy, a disease easily recognized by the destruction of the gums. Vitamin C is the nutrient that people with scurvy lack, and the destructive effect on the oral tissues sets up perfect conditions for the proliferation of odor causing bacteria. Even today, many people don't get enough Vitamin C. It could be that, for some people, this Vitamin C deficiency is the link between nutrition and bad breath.

Another obvious nutrient to go with vitamins for bad breath is the mineral zinc. The relationship between zinc and halitosis is so well established that many of the best mouthwashes and other oral care products for bad breath already contain this mineral. Zinc plays a role in many body functions, including taste and immunity. It's exact role in fighting the malodorous bacteria may also be complex, but there is little doubt that it does have a positive influence on nutrition and bad breath.

Other suggested nutrients for bad breath include vitamins E and D, and the B vitamin complex, and the mineral calcium. All of these vitamins and minerals play a well established role in human health, and many people already take them or ensure that there are adequate sources in the diet. Not surprisingly, the vitamin and mineral supplements aimed at bad breath are very similar to ordinary multivitamin and mineral supplements. Supplements linking immune status, nutrition and bad breath may contain herbal extracts typical of immunity boosters advocated by natural healing specialists. Whether or not these products provide the key to beating halitosis remains to be seen, but its doubtful that taking vitamins for bad breath will do any harm. To be safe, before taking any dietary supplement on a regular basis, discuss your concerns with your doctor.

Bad Breath

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Vitamins for Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Go through Bad Breath (Halitosis) and Mouthwash extra

You're standing in the hall with your friends telling them about an exciting new movie. But soon everybody is moving away.
"Sometimes someone's breath is so bad, you just have to keep backing up," says Marissa.

Fear strikes. Do you have that dreaded affliction--Dragon Breath?

Halitosis, or bad breath, most often comes from the activity of the millions of bacteria that live in your mouth. As these bacteria decompose the food you've eaten, they give off foul-smelling gases such as hydrogen sulfide (the smell of rotten eggs).

Most of the time your saliva washes away the decaying food and the bad breath. That explains why bad breath is often more noticeable in the morning: Your saliva stops working during the night. This leaves your mouth dry, and the dead cells stick to your tongue and inside your cheeks. The odor disappears when you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth and tongue.

Another kind of morning dragon breath is known as hunger odor. This bad breath develops when juices from your pancreas go into your stomach while you sleep. The odor goes away when you eat something.

Eating strong foods such as onions, garlic, or horseradish often causes bad breath several hours later, after they are absorbed into the bloodstream and the odors are carried to your lungs.

You may have noticed you have bad breath when you have to give a speech or take an exam. When you're stressed, your saliva stops working. Your mouth dries out, and the bacteria don't get washed away.

Sometimes bad breath indicates gum disease, especially when there is also bleeding around gum tissues.

Searching for the Dragon's Lair

Unfortunately, you can't always tell if you have bad breath. You're too used to your own smells, and you won't notice a foul odor. You can't expect others to tell you that your breath smells like a dumpster--it's not something people mention.

Some people suggest licking your hand and smelling it. Since most of the decay-producing activity occurs at the back of your tongue, this method isn't very reliable.

One way to check yourself for bad breath is to ask the opinion of a close friend--a very close friend--and make your friend promise to be completely honest with you. Even if your friend gives you a positive report, the condition of your mouth can change, and the dreaded dragon breath will return an hour later.

"I'd tell my best friend if her breath was bad," says Marissa. "But I'd whisper, and suggest she might want to use a breath mint."

Going for the kill

You may not always be able to beat the bacteria beast, bad breath, but Dr. Fred Siemon has some suggestions for keeping the dragon in its lair.

* Brush and floss every day, and clean your tongue gently with your toothbrush.

* Drink plenty of liquids to keep saliva production up. Hold the water in your mouth and swish it around to loosen food particles.

* Chew sugar-free gum or suck sugarless lozenges to increase saliva flow.

* Snack on fresh vegetables such as carrots and celery to keep plaque from forming.

* Rinse your mouth after eating or drinking milk products, fish, and meat.

* Brush your teeth with baking soda. If that sounds too gross, use a toothpaste that contains baking soda.

Does a Mouthwash Help?

A cosmetic mouthwash may hide your bad breath temporarily, but it doesn't do anything to get rid of the underlying causes of halitosis. Even an antiseptic mouthwash, which kills off the bacteria, loses its effectiveness in three hours when the bacteria grow back.

But what if you're going out on a big date? Dr. Maury Massler suggests that you eat an apple instead of rinsing with a mouthwash. The food gives you four to six hours of protection against bad breath, while mouthwashes only give you about two or three hours of security.

If you're still worried about halitosis, talk with your dentist about it at your next appointment. Don't be embarrassed. Helping you get at the root of the problem is part of a dentist's job.

Finally, don't worry yourself to death over your real or imagined fears about bad breath. You're not alone. As Dr. Siemon says, bad breath is democratic: It affects everyone alike-male and female, rich and poor, young and old of all races. But with proper dental care, you can conquer the dreaded demon and come out with a smile of victory.

My passion is research and writing. For more information or to learn more on Bad Breath (Halitosis), please visit my blog

Bad Breath (Halitosis) and Mouthwash

Bad Breath