Read through Treat Bad Breath in Dogs Today additional

Awful breath in dogs is fairly easy to detect. When your pet starts to have an unusually offensive odor, take action on getting animal mouth treatments. To get rid of bad dog breath, know these simple remedies and let your pet breathe to good health.

Pup bacteria's causes range from poor oral hygiene, acidity, dental problems, dehydration, high protein diet, poor digestion, health problems, and among others.

Here are simple pet bad breath treatments you can do even at home:

• Regularly brush your dog's teeth. Reduce mouth odor with regular brushing of your animal's teeth. It removes food particles and eliminates the offensive odor. You can also inspect your pet's oral cavity for signs of tooth decay, gum bleeding, inflammation, and other signs of dental problems.

• Look for a finger brush that is specially designed for your partners to make brushing easier. The finger brush can clean those hard to reach areas of your pup's mouth. Slowly introduce your dog to the whole concept of tooth brushing by starting one section at a time.

• It also helps to use dog toothpaste with a flavor that your dog likes. Tooth

• Buy dog mints and mouthwash to compliment your dog's brushing regimen. These oral products are effective in the prevention of tartar and plaque buildup in your dog's mouth.

• Aim to provide your dog a good and balanced diet. Mouth smell can also result from feeding unhealthy food to your dog. There are instances when your dog eats non-edible food such as garbage, trash, soil, and others. Dirty foods have bacteria that can live and multiply in your dog's mouth causing dog mouth bacteria.

• Don't let your dog become dehydrated. You can correct this condition by serving easy to access to potable water to hydrate your dog all throughout the day.

• Give dog treats for mouth odors. Dog treats that can promote chewing are rawhide bone, a pig's ear, a chew toy, or rope toy to help break up the buildup of plaque.

• Herbs such as Neem leaves, and Coriander leaves can be alternative toothpaste or as a water additive to get rid of dog mouth smells.

• When your dog has unclean mouth, give your pet a mixture of yogurt, raw turkey, and raw carrots to fight bad dog breath.

Get to the root cause of your dog bad breath and fight the causes of dog bad breath. Bad breath in pets is a matter of being proactive about the health of your pet. The health of your animal is your responsibility.

Bad Breath

To find out more about dog bad breath remedies, visit bad breath in dogs [].

Treat Bad Breath in Dogs Today

Bad Breath

Go through Managing Bad Breath extra

Bad Breath

Bad breath is one of the most common global problems, although (naturally) no one speaks openly about this subject. In fact, you could say this has became a social issue, because it can jeopardize relationships with those around you. There are many causes leading to bad breath, luckily, most are easy to detect.

Whatever the factors that cause bad breath, first mentioned that the remedy should be considered universally valid, ie mouthwash, is as ineffective as it is harmful. It is found in its composition a considerable percentage of alcohol. Consequently, some children who swallowed mouthwash needed emergency medical attention.

Indeed, mouthwash kills bacteria. On the other hand, however, they will recover quite quickly and in an aggressive manner, as mouthwash treats only the effect, not cause. Meanwhile, long-term use mouthwash causes the appearance of irritation to gums, palate mouth. Moreover, in some cases can cause various types of malignancies (risk is even greater if people who use mouthwash often, smoke or consume alcoholic beverages).

So what can you do? Here is a first recommendation. Put a few drops of peppermint oil (available in drugstores) in a glass of water and rinse yourself (not eat).

The remedy is not only recommended as a quick solution when you need to go to a meeting or to socialize. Bad breath is caused by many factors, of which the most common is improper dental hygiene. If you don't brush your teeth at least twice a day, or do more superficial, food debris will be disposed between the teeth and gradually begin to break down, causing an odor.

Therefore you need to brush carefully, focusing on areas less accessible. Besides, not neglect brushing the tongue - is one of the easiest ways to fight halitosis, because on the tongue surface are found millions of bacteria. Not necessary nor advisable to brush too intense, because irritation can occur. Movements should be smooth and circular.An accessory that you should not miss is floss. This helps eliminate food debris and is recommended to use at least once a day, preferably before brushing.

Do not omit to change your toothbrush regularly (every two months is recommended). Not only will be more effective brushing and breath fresh, but will prevent accumulation of bacteria that are submitted in time.

Also wash your teeth after every meal. Yes, it would be ideal, but often we can not do this. In this case, eat an apple (good to clean teeth) or mint drops. Some other foods to help you refresh your breath are: fresh carrots, parsley or mint, oranges, kiwi fruit, green leafy vegetables.

Apart from inadequate dental hygiene, there are other reasons that can cause halitosis. For example, some food. Of course you are first tempted to think of garlic and onions, but besides these, the list also includes others such as paprika, sweets, spicy preparations such as pastrami, pepperoni or chicory. Among drinks that can cause damage like this can find beer, wine, coffee and whiskey.

Take care of your health and you won't get this Worlds Biggest Zit []

Managing Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read through Cat Bad Breath - Know Its Causes and Treatments extra

Your precious cat is starting to smell weird despite its usual cat odor. There is something wrong and you can't pinpoint what it is. When you tried kissing your cat, you are shocked! That's where the bad odor is coming from. Your cat has cat bad breath and it's really concerning you. Bad breath or Halitosis is caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions. If your cat has unhealthy gums and tooth decay, this is probably what is causing this. You must get to the root cause and treat it as soon as possible.

1. Dangers of Bad Breath in Cats

Cat's unpleasant breath may not be a big deal for some pet owners but what they do not know is that this can lead to other serious health conditions. If your cat is suffering from dental problems, it can lead to pain and infection in the mouth. Bacteria accumulate in the gums which can be easily transported through different organs in the body through its rich blood supply. Once bacteria reach the liver, heart or kidney, it can lead to your cat's organ damage or failure.

2. Causes of Bad Breath in Cats

Just like in humans, it can also be caused by several things ranging from mild to severe causes. What causes your it for your cat? It can be Gingivitis (gum problems), Stomatitis (stomach problems), tooth decay and abscess (infection), Diabetes, Liver or Kidney disease, mouth cancer or gastrointestinal problems. To make sure you determine what is causing this, it is essential that you consult a veterinarian so he can run some tests. He can perform an X-ray on the teeth, FIV tests or liver or kidney function tests.

3. Treatment for Bad Breath in Cats

The best way to treat this problem is to let the veterinarian handle it especially if it's a severe case. The veterinarian can remove calculus in your cat's teeth and polish it. He will remove any diseased teeth. He can also provide treatment to enable the kidney or liver to function better.

If your cat's bad breath is very mild. You can do something to remedy this at home. For one, brush his teeth regularly with cat toothbrush and toothpaste. There are special formulations to reduce formulation of tartar and plaque on cats. Second, always bring your cat to the veterinarian for his annual checkup. You can also get him checked twice a year. Lastly, some will recommend that you feed raw bones and necks from chicken to your cat. However, there are risks associated with this so better talk to your vet first.

We know how much you love your cat and you love to snuggle with him on the couch. But when your cat has cat bad breath, you better get him checked immediately before any other serious medical condition develops.

Bad Breath

Cat bad breath is not healthy for your pet and for the whole family especially if you let your children play with them. So, if your cat has bad breath, then go to and find out the ways on how to eliminate this problem.

Cat Bad Breath - Know Its Causes and Treatments

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements more

Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements

Bad Breath

There are certain types of foods that you consume that can be a culprit to bad breath. Food that is high in fat, meats, foods loaded with sugar, specialty spices and dairy products. Foods that contain acid produce bacteria in your mouth.

When you eat foods with a lot of fat and protein, they may not digest in your system properly. People that have difficulty digesting meat and dairy products can end up with bad breath.
Here are some suggestions regarding foods when it comes to bad breath:

o Make sure to include fruits and vegetables that are rich with antioxidants. This would include leafy greens, berries, broccoli and cabbage. These foods help to keep you healthy and to keep bad breath from occurring.

o You can also eat yogurt that is sugar-free and has a live culture. This helps to keep away bacteria that are responsible for causing halitosis.

o Foods that are loaded with sugar pose a problem because the sugar affects the back of the throat.

o In addition to onions and garlic, spices such as curry can cause people to have bad breath. As you digest them, some of the elements flow through your bloodstream and to the lungs. The odor can be emitted for about 24 hours.

o Coffee and some teas can also be culprits of bad breath. Both have plenty of acid in them. Try not to drink so much of these beverages.

Drinking black tea has elements that keep bacteria away. Other teas that can help to prevent bad breath are green tea and peppermint tea. Tea can also get rid of bad breath that is caused by mucus. You only have to drink one cup per day for the odor to gradually dissipate.

Vitamins and Supplements

o If you're not consuming enough zinc, then you could possibly have bad breath. If you are deficient, you need to take no less than 60 mg a day. Be careful about taking too much of this as zinc can interfere with copper.

o The lack of Vitamin B can also be a cause of bad breath. You may want to take some niacinimide, a B complex tablet and Vitamin B6 one time a day.

o If you consume no more than 6,000 mg of Vitamin C, you will remove the mucus and toxins that have built up in your body. The mucus and toxins that are stored up in your body can be a cause of bad breath.

Digestive System
Your digestive system can also be a cause of bad breath. You will need to improve it by watching what you eat. What you eat is crucial because it will determine whether or not it will help to eliminate bad breath. Here are some things that you can do to keep your digestive system in tact:

o Have a high-fiber diet that includes whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods usually digest better than those that are not high in fiber.
o If you don't have enough enzymes to digest properly, you need to take no more than four tablets of enzymes for each major meal.
o You may not have enough hydrochloric acid. To get more in your system, you can use apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon before you eat a major meal. You can also use betaine or pepsin tablets before you eat in order to help your digestive system to work.
o You can also get bad breath from lack of regular bowel movements (constipation). You need to drink at least eight glasses of water (eight ounces) every day.

This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to provide advice in regards to any health condition, including bad breath. If you have or think you might have a health problem, contact your doctor or dentist immediately for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any products, vitamins or supplements mentioned in this article.

Scott Wells writes for where you can learn more about therabreath coupons just in time for the holiday season.

Read Bad Breath - Causes and Prevention far more

Although it might be under their noses, some people are not aware that they have bad breath.This oral health problem  is an unpleasant condition that often is a cause of embarrassment.


Bad breath can be caused by certain foods: Tobacco and alcohol inclusive. Garlic and onions contribute to this condition because they contain odour-causing compounds. when these compounds enter the bloodstream, they are transferred to the lungs where they are exhaled.

Dry mouth is another condition that can cause bad breath. Under normal conditions, saliva removes many particles that cause bad breath. Dry mouth occurs when the flow of saliva decreases. Some medications, salivary gland problems or constant mouth breathing also may contribute to mouth odor.

Other causes include some prescription or over-the-counter drugs. It usually has some systematic origin. for example, the respiratory track condition or other ailments.

Another major cause of this breath problem in healthy people is microbial deposits on the tongue, especially the back of the tongue.


If you have halitosis, experts suggest using sugarless lollies and increasing your fluid in take. Avoid Tobacco products

Brushing can reduce this ailment to an extent. Food stuck between teeth leave an unpleasant odour as it decays.

Dentures that are not cleaned properly also can harbour odour and bacteria resulting in halitosis Using good mouthwash containing fluoride can also helping in reducing this problem. Maintain a healthy habit. schedule regular dental visits. If you are concerned that you have a consistent bad breath, keep a log of what you eat.

Let your dentist know what your prescribed medications are, if any.

Bad Breath

Kingsley Is a Bad Breath Expert. Visit my blog at to Discover Therabreath Bad breath Treatment

Bad Breath - Causes and Prevention

Bad Breath

Study Bad Breath Spray - What is a Good Bad Breath Spray? more

Bad Breath Spray - What is a Good Bad Breath Spray?

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

A quick spritz from a bad breath spray should be enough to conquer your stinky breath problem, right? Wrong! While some sprays will temporarily cover up your smelly breath problem long enough for you to give someone a kiss or get close to someone during an important business meeting without giving offense, it is not a cure.

The foul odor will return, and it may come back at an inopportune time. To get rid of bad breath and have it stay gone, you need something that is going to address the underlying cause of the problem.

Most people who suffer from stinky breath do so because of dental issues that they can't help or from hygiene issues that they CAN help. A handful of others have medical issues like acid reflux, ulcers, diabetes, and sinus troubles that need medication to cure the bad breath.

While a bad breath spray can seem like a good option for a quick cure, it's not really a cure at all. What you need (presuming you don't have a serious medical condition) is something that will kill the odor causing bacteria in your mouth. Most sprays simply don't offer this kind of action.

Worse, some sprays can exacerbate the problem. These are sprays that contain sugar and alcohol, both of which make your stinky breath worse by feeding the bacteria that causes it. If you're going to use a spray, use a medicated one, or a homeopathic one...something that will kill the bacteria in your mouth.

Tea tree oil based sprays are excellent for this, as are those that contain oregano oil and green tea extract. All of these substances have the right properties to kill those smelly breath causing bacteria and keep your mouth smelling fresh and sweet all the time. Naturally, this is the solution you want.

Fortunately, you can find these sprays (as well as mints and capsules with these ingredients) at most health food stores as well as online. If you have a problem that is interfering in your social and professional lives, it's worth the time to find a solution by investing in a bad breath spray that really works.

Who else wants to improve their breath condition? Check out our proven bad breath spray that you can easily make at home. I reveal all the secrets I've personally used to get rid of bad breath. Go to right now before we wise up and decide to no longer reveal our secrets!

Understand Bad Breath Mouthwash much more

There are millions of people suffering from bad breath. In fact, it should be pretty safe to say that everyone suffers from it from time to time depending on what was just eaten. Yet, there are people that do suffer from bad breath all of the time and those people are looking for relief.

Obviously, bad breath can harm relationships and even your career. Therefore, you have to be careful on this account.

Not all mouthwash is created equal. For example, there is a difference between covering up a problem and attacking its root cause. Mouthwash may only be part of the equation. Other things like chewing xylitol gum or using a nasal and sinus irrigator can have an impact on whether you have bad breath or not too!

However, this article is about bad breath mouthwash, so I will focus on that for now. As you are well aware there are many mouthwashes on the market that claim to help in various ways.

First, I want to focus on what you do NOT need in a mouthwash. Have you ever picked up a bottle of mouthwash and examined the label? Sometimes you see the names of chemicals that span far to many syllables. I really think that any mouthwash that is relying on chemicals with really long names are not necessary.

What we make in laboratories is not always good for us. Sometimes we figure out decades later that some substance is harmful in a different way than was initially looked for.

What about alcohol laden mouthwash. Here too is a problem. Alcohol has a powerful drying effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth. When those membranes become less moist, the bacteria really like that. It allows them to multiply more rapidly. Have you ever smelled the breath of someone who recently rinsed their mouth with an alcohol laden mouthwash. It is really like another kind of bad breath! Nothing was really accomplished by using it!

When combating bad breath, you are really looking to reduce the population of VSC or Volatile Sulfur Compound producing bacteria. These are the kind that can really give you a severe case of bad breath.

There is another aspect to many mouthwashes that is lacking. That is pH balance. You see, much like the less moist mucous membranes mentioned above a low or acidic pH can cause the bacteria that are plaguing you to multiply more rapidly - they love an acidic environment. This is slightly similar to the pH balance of a fish tank. You have to monitor that pH for the health of your fish. Well, your mouth is also concerned with this.

Since the bacteria that cause bad breath are often anaerobic in nature, which simply means that they like to avoid oxygen, then it is too our benefit to place oxygen in their environment. It will either slow them down drastically or cause them to die.

Therefore, you want two major things in your mouthwash for bad breath. You want pH balance and oxygen. Not many mouthwashes can deliver them. I know of two brands and only two that have both of these components.

Bad Breath

Read more about this topic at

David Snape is the author of the book: What You Should Know about Gum Disease. ISBN: 978-0981485508 - Available online at most book retailer sites. It can also be ordered by most book stores.

Disclaimer: This article is for information and entertainment purposes only. It does not intend to render advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or think you might have gum disease or any other health problem, visit your periodontist or physician for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about products in this article.

Bad Breath Mouthwash

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Herbal Medicines and Nutrition extra

Bad Breath Herbal Medicines and Nutrition

Bad Breath


Give your jaw a workout. When you eat, chew your food thoroughly, Dr. Replogle advises. Chewing stimulates saliva flow.

Choose your foods carefully. Certain foods are notorious for causing bad breath, such as coffee, alcohol, certain cheeses, and garlic and its close relatives (onions, chives, leeks, and shallots). When you consume these foods, the offensive odor emanates not only from your mouth but also from your lungs, Dr. Replogle explains. The foods contain malodorous sulfur compounds, which enter the bloodstream during digestion, travel to the lungs, and then get exhaled.

Even exemplary oral hygiene can't prevent bad breath that originates in the lungs. So if you're worried about your breath, you're better off avoiding problem foods altogether.

Consider meatless meals. Meat eaters are more likely to have halitosis than vegetarians, according to Dr. Replogle. Meats-especially pastrami, salami, and pepperoni -contain sulfur and other compounds that find their way into the lungs and get exhaled.

Fill up on fluids. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, advises Alan P. Brauer, M.D. Water keeps your mouth tissues hydrated and washes away food residues. Citrus juices are great, too. They have the same benefits as water, plus they stimulate saliva flow.

Herbal Medicine

Try the chlorophyll cure. Ever wonder why chefs garnish entrees with a sprig of parsley? They're perpetuating the ancient Roman practice of chewing parsley after meals. Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, a potent breath-freshener. So are basil and cilantro.

"Refrigerate sprigs of fresh parsley, basil, and cilantro in a glass of water," advises James A. Duke, Ph.D. "Then nibble them throughout the day."

Capitalize on cineole. Cineole is a powerful antibacterial antiseptic found in several medicinal herbs. "The richest source is cardamom," Dr. Duke says. "But spearmint, peppermint, ginger, eucalyptus, rosemary, and sweet annie are also good sources." He suggests munching on a few fresh leaves of spearmint or peppermint or making a tea from any of the other herbs. For ginger, use grated fresh root; for the others, dried leaves will do. Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of the herb to 1 cup of boiled water, then allow to steep to taste before drinking.

Make time for thyme. Thyme is another herb with antibacterial properties, thanks to a compound called thymol in its oil. Simply chew some fresh leaves or make a tea from the herb, following the directions in the previous tip.

Be sanguine about your breath. Dr. Brauer recommends rinsing your mouth with Viadent, an over-the-counter mouthwash that contains an extract of the medicinal herb sanguinaria (bloodroot). "Sanguinaria is a powerful antiseptic;" he explains. "It kills bacteria in the mouth and under the gums that contribute to bad breath."

Read out for Vitamins. Check out breastfeeding tips and herbal remedies

Understand Bad Breath Terminator far more

When you are face to face with a person who has bad breath, it is readily apparent that there is a terrible problem. Some bad breath is so bad it almost makes you want to throw up. They need a bad breath terminator. And you try not to insult the bad breath person by contorting your face into that of disgust. Atrocious, foul smelling breath is a complete turnoff.

This is a hard situation to overcome. Because in most cases, it is a coworker, relative or friend that has the problem. Most people want to remove themselves from this offensive situation as soon as possible. The stench originating from the persons mouth evokes an automatic response. You immediately want to get away from the repellent smell. And it's hard not to wrinkle up your nose.

Alleviating the Problem

Listen closely. If you have a mint or piece of gum, it is a casual way to solve the problem. It's a bad breath terminator. Unfortunately, it's only temporary. You may want to tell the person in a nice way that they may want to consult a dentist or doctor to find out the root cause of the bad breath problem. Or bring up the subject of halitosis and indicate its gravity and then bring up the mint or gum. Don't get me wrong, most people will understand they have halitosis and need some professional help. It is very difficult thing to do, but it has to be done and some people will require a point-blank message that they have halitosis and need to do something about it for their own good.

Communicate With Others

Quite frankly, the halitosis problem cannot be ignored. But more importantly, you will actually help the person with the problem by discussing it with them. The person may have a medical malady and may have to see a dentist of a doctor to find out what the root cause of the halitosis is. It may be a serious problem that could lead to heart disease or cancer. You will be saving that person's life by dealing with their halitosis. Sad, but true, most people with halitosis are totally ignorant of their halitosis problem.

Personal Obligation

And you know what? Bad breath has solutions. Halitosis can be eliminated. It is just plain courtesy to ensure that other people do not have to put up with an individual's deficiency in personal care or just outright laziness. And one more thing, people with halitosis can help solve their halitosis problem by using excellent oral hygiene that will ensure that halitosis does not become a risk. Sometimes it is hard to tell people they have a bad breath problem, but they need to be cognizant of how they are adversely affecting people they come in contact with. That's where bad breath terminator can help. They will thank you for it. That's the bottom line, isn't it?

Bad Breath

Walt Brown has much more information on the morbid bad breath social disease. Please visit where Walt details many ways to diagnose the cause of you bad breath problem and how bad breath can be annihilated once and for all.

Bad Breath Terminator

Read through Bad Breath Q & A additional

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath or halitosis has many causes. In 80 to 90 percent of cases, it's due to something in the mouth. Poor oral hygiene or problems with the teeth, gums, and mouth are the most common causes. Check your mouth first for signs of problems. Be on the lookout for decayed teeth, faulty fillings or dentures or food trapped between teeth, on the tongue and around the gums. All this can lead to bad breath but they can easily be corrected with proper brushing at least twice a day, daily flossing, and regular visits to the dentist.

While you're at it, don't forget to brush your tongue as well. Do this once a day with a soft wet brush after brushing your teeth or by scraping the rear portion with a bent spoon or an inexpensive tongue-scraper that you can buy from a drugstore.

Can certain foods cause bad breath?

Yes, they can. Common culprits are onions and garlic that can stay on your breath for 24 hours or more. Other offenders are cabbage and sushi, particularly the horseradish that goes with it.

"The strong odors of foods like garlic, onions, and alcohol are carried through the bloodstream and exhaled by the lungs. Another big loser when it comes to turning your breath sour - and harming your health - is tobacco," according to the editors of Consumer Guide's "The Home Remedies Handbook."

While eating and drinking too much of some things can be bad for your breath, so will eating too little. This is what happens to dieters who develop what's called "hunger breath." This is caused by metabolic wastes that reach the lungs. A good snack will remedy this, unfortunately at the expense of the diet!

What foods fight bad breath?

The same ones that fight plaque - the almost invisible film of bacteria that constantly forms in the mouth and causes gum disease and tooth decay. These include celery, carrots, and peanuts. Cheese is also good for your teeth and breath. The most effective ones are cheddar, mozzarella, Edam, Gouda (pronounced "howda"), Monterey jack, Stilton, and Roquefort.

What is "morning breath?" Is it the same as bad breath?

Yes, it is. "Morning breath" is the term applied to the stinking breath you have in the morning. This is due to a dry mouth and disappears once you brush or floss your teeth or have something to eat or drink.

A dry mouth is caused by the lack of saliva. Saliva may not appeal to most people but it performs many useful functions. It contains enzymes that digest food, reduces the acidity of what you eat or drink, and keeps the mouth clean and lubricated. While sleeping, less saliva is produced, leading to the growth of bacteria and bad breath. Older people are especially pone to bad breath since they produce less saliva.

Aside from sleeping and aging, a dry mouth can result from depression, high blood pressure, anemia, diabetes, blocked salivary ducts, AIDS, breathing through your mouth, and certain medicines like decongestants, diuretics, and antihistamines. See a doctor if you suspect you have any of these problems. In the meantime, you can combat mouth dryness by sucking a lemon drop or any hard, sugar-free candy.

Can bad breath be a psychological problem? Find out in the second part of this series. Don't miss it! Now that you know how to deal with bad breath, don't fret. Sleep soundly with Sedamine - the supplement that will help you sleep naturally. Visit for details.

Bad Breath

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine []

Bad Breath Q & A

Read Toddler Bad Breath extra

Halitosis in adults is relatively common - we all worry about it - but toddler bad breath is much more unusual. This is probably because the most common causes of halitosis, such as gum disease and post nasal drip, are generally only seen in adults. When we notice that the breath of a child is unpleasant, it is more surprising, and often more urgent. It can be a signal of a more serious medical problem.

We sometimes notice bad breath in child diseases. The most common of these is probably childhood diabetes - ketoacidosis is characterized by a high blood sugar, dehydration, and a sweetish bad breath. Sweet smelling bad breath in a child could be a sign of serious illness and should be dealt with very promptly. Another common cause of adolescent and toddler bad breath is throat infection: bacteria and viruses frequently cause pharyngitis and tonsillitis in the young, and strept throat can lead to debilitating complications. Any red sore throat accompanied by a fever that doesn't resolve on its own in a couple of days should be assessed by a physician. Other diseases that can change the odor of the breath include kidney and liver diseases, and some cancers, but these condition are relatively rare in children.

When toddler bad breath is not caused by an underlying condition, the most common cause is probably dehydration. Dehydration can occur easily in a child, and can result from a number of factors: insufficient fluid intake during hot dry weather, strenuous exertion without taking regular drinks, diarrhea and vomiting, consumption of diuretic beverages such as drinks containing caffeine, respiratory infection, and other things. Bad breath in child dehydration is often initiated by a drying out of the mouth tissues - when saliva production is decreased, the bacteria responsible for halitosis are able to proliferate. The more of them there are, the more severe the toddler bad breath will be.

Of course, some instances of bad breath in child situations are simply caused by a recently consumed food or beverage. Ask your child what she has eaten in the last little while (and remember that we don't always know what our children are putting in their mouths - never assume). Foods like garlic and onions, curry, and spicy foods like pepperoni can leave a distinct odor on the breath for a while after they are eaten. Strong flavored confections like black licorice can do it too. And if the toddler bad breath you detect has a chemical or medicinal smell, double check that your child has not ingested a cleaner or other chemical, or a medicine left within reach. If you suspect this is the case, seek medical help immediately.

Bad Breath

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Toddler Bad Breath, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Toddler Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Understand Treating Bad Breath far more

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a very common non-threatening medical complaint. Most people experience this phenomenon in the morning just after waking up or after eating particularly pungent food, but for others the condition can prove more persistent. There are a variety of causes of halitosis and a variety of treatments. This guide will help you understand your halitosis and to treat it effectively.

Foods like garlic, onion, and a wide array of spices can release compounds during digestion which are absorbed by the blood. When this blood circulates to the lungs, these compounds are released and expelled again through our mouth and nose. If you suspect your halitosis is diet-related, then the remedy is simple: avoid these troublesome foods. If you stop eating them, then the exhaled compounds will not be replenished.

Poor dental hygiene is another common and obvious cause of bad breath. Infrequent brushing and flossing contribute to a build-up of microorganisms in the mouth. As these organisms consume the sugars from your food, they produce waste gases which can give your breath a noticeable odor. Food stuck between teeth or at the back of the mouth will also give off a smell if they are allowed to sit for a time. Beyond the possible benefit of curing your halitosis, an improved dental health regime will serve to protect your teeth and gums from a variety of dental health problems, including tooth decay and gingivitis. Poor dental hygiene can also result in infection of the tissue of the mouth. This infected tissue is another contributor to halitosis as it emits its own noticeable odor.

Dry mouth is a medical condition which can cause halitosis. Saliva is the mouth's natural lubricant and cleanser and without it, particles of food are allowed to rot between teeth. Chronic dry mouth calls for a visit to the doctor, as it can lead to severe tooth decay if left untreated. Smoking is another common cause of halitosis. Beyond the innumerable threats it poses to human health, the practice of smoking tobacco results in particles of smoke entering the lungs. These participles are later expelled through the mouth and nose and can be smelled on the breath.

To cure your halitosis, a number of steps can be taken. Be sure to brush and floss and least twice a day. Pay special attention to your tongue and the back of your mouth. Use a mouthwash, or drop a small amount of peppermint oil onto your tongue after brushing. Reduce the amount of odorous foods and spices in your diet. If you smoke, quit. See a dentist once every six months for a thorough examination and cleaning. These steps should improve your bad breath. If they do not, consult a doctor. Halitosis can sometimes be a sign of a more serious medical condition.

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Treating Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath - Can Mouthwash Help Stop Bad Breath? far more

Bad Breath

To find out how to stop halitosis, it is important to understand what it is, how it works and then what remedies actually work. This article will discuss how mouthwash can help reduce bad breath.

Halitosis, also known commonly as bad breath, is caused by the bacteria that accumulates in the mouth of a person. Mostly found on and near the back of the tongue, anaerobic bacteria can thrive in the back of the mouth where there is little oxygen and lots of amino acids. The acid actually occur in phlegm, mucus, and food residues from dairy and other foods high in protein. When food residues like these are left in crevasses in the teeth and gums, it will produce Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC). Volatile Sulfur Compounds give off a small of hydrogen sulfide, similar to rotten eggs. Such foul breath condition can also be caused by some foods after digestion, or in some cases, from certain medications that we take.

Without daily brushing and flossing of teeth, these food particles stay lodged in the mouth and allowing bacteria to multiply. As the food particles begin to decompose, they produce a sour or unpleasant odor. In addition, when you eat foods like onions, garlic or other similar foods, the properties of these foods become absorbed in your bloodstream, which then is transferred to the lungs and is exhaled when you breathe. Your breath condition will only improve when these food is processed by your body or has left your system.

When you look through all the items available in the oral hygiene section of your local drug store, there is such a wide variety that it can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, most products really are not effective at killing bacteria in your mouth if your bad breath is a chronic problem. These products are often designed just to smell sweet and mask the bad breath smell, but they only will work for a very short while. One exception would be any kind of mouthwash that has zinc chloride as an ingredient, or one which your dentist recommends.

Ingredients In Mouthwash

When you are trying to decide which mouthwash to purchase, look for these ingredients or features:

Cetylpyridinium chloride

This is an antibacterial compound which can reduce the amount of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth.

Zinc chloride

This material can reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds, and also will bind to other compounds which anaerobic bacteria uses to develop volatile sulfur compounds.

Antibacterial or antiseptic mouthwash

This can kill the anaerobic bacteria responsible for producing volatile sulfur compounds. Avoid any of these mouthwashes that have alcohol, which is a drying agent.

Chlorine Dioxide

This is an oxidizing agent which uses oxygen to affect anaerobic bacteria to reduce the bacteria in the mouth.

Home Made Mouthwash

A good home remedy is to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse. It adds oxygen to the environment where the bacteria are thriving, and thus helps kill the anaerobic bacteria. If you do not have any hydrogen peroxide, simply using a glass of water to swish around the mouth can also remove any food particles that remain stuck between the teeth and gums. Food particles that remain lodged in your mouth will result in bacteria growth, and in turn bad breath. Leaving food in your mouth to rot can become a gold mine of bacteria.

Tips When Using Mouthwash

In using an everyday mouthwash product, there are certain techniques to get the most effect. The purpose of using a mouthwash is to kill any bacteria causing foul breath and the bacteria that cluster at the back of your tongue. It is most effective to gargle when you rinse, being sure to rinse the back of the mouth with an ah sound. This action makes the tongue shift toward the front of the mouth, and let the mouthwash access the rear area of the tongue where most bacteria can be found. Once you have thoroughly rinsed and gargled, be sure not to swallow the mouthwash, but to spit it out to remove the bacteria.

Ultimately the type of mouthwash, how it is used, and whether you also have a good oral hygiene habits will determine whether or not using mouthwash is effective in controlling bad breath. As long as you are making regular visits to your dentist, brushing and flossing daily, then your mouthwash can be an important part of reducing bad breath.

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Bad Breath - Can Mouthwash Help Stop Bad Breath?

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Understand Bad Breath Treatment Tips a lot more

Bad Breath Treatment Tips

Bad Breath

Bad breath is a problem that many people suffer from. Most people already know that they have bad breath because of the disgusted look that others give them while they are talking to each other. This condition can cause anyone to become desperate looking for a bad breath treatment that will be their salvation. As long as the bad breath or halitosis did not result from a medical problem, you should not have too much difficulty finding the proper way to get rid of your halitosis. Some of the easier ways of curing bad breath include adjusting your diet and following a healthy oral hygiene routine on a regular basis.

Sometimes it is easier to understand how to get rid of a problem such as bad breath if you know what causes it in the first place. The most common cause of halitosis is the bacteria in your mouth. If food gets stuck between your teeth after you are finished with a meal, the oral bacteria will feed on this leftover food which will cause the release of sulfur which is responsible for the bad smell in your mouth.

Food that is high in protein is dense with sulfur. This is why many people who are on a high protein diet are unfortunately burdened with disgusting breath. However, people who eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables are less likely to get this condition because this diet will help increase the flow of saliva. The saliva will help wash away the food and bacteria that is causing you problems and leave you with much fresher breath.

If your bad breath does not result from gastric disorders or any other medical condition, then you will not have a hard time finding the correct way to eliminate your condition. A simple bad breath treatment that might work is to follow the rules for proper oral hygiene on a regular basis.

You can start by buying a good toothbrush and dental floss. To get rid of any food remnants and bacteria, you will have to brush your teeth and floss after every meal. You should also consider purchasing a good mouthwash. The mouthwash will be effective in removing some of the odor-causing bacteria. However, you should be careful to not purchase a mouthwash that contains alcohol because it can dry your mouth out which will result in the production of even more sulfur-producing bacteria.

The bacteria that feeds on the leftover food found between your teeth can also be found on your tongue. This is why you should also brush your tongue regularly. This will help eliminate some of the leftover food and bacteria found on your tongue which will go a long way towards freshening your breath up.

Smoking can cause you to have dry mouth. Having a dry mouth means that you will produce less saliva which is vital in removing bacteria and leftover food. This is why many people recommend quitting smoking if you have disgusting breath. This is much cheaper than having to pay for a commercial bad breath treatment. Smoking can not only wreck your breath it can also make your clothes and hair smell pretty bad as well. You can do yourself and your family and friends a big favor by giving up smoking.

Consuming large amounts of alcohol can also result in halitosis. The alcohol can cause you to have dry mouth. Even if you follow a proper daily dental routine and use commercial breath fresheners to mask the odor, drinking too much alcohol can negate all of the positive effects of any precautions you may take.

If you want to download a FREE bad breath ebook or get some more FREE information about the best natural bad breath treatment that is available, then please click on this link: bad breath treatment

Go through Chlorophyll and Bad Breath a lot more

Chlorophyll and Bad Breath

Bad Breath

In the 1950s, someone noticed the odor absorbing qualities of chlorophyll and bad breath remedies appeared that contained this ingredient. Chlorophyll is found in green plants and plays an important role in plant uptake of carbon dioxide, in the presence of sunlight, to produce oxygen and energy. A derivative, chlorophyllin, is more stable and is often the true ingredient in commercial preparations. In nature, it is found in high concentrations in green algae, spinach, and parsley. The most familiar breath products containing this pigment today are Clorets gum and mints.

Initially, there were many more chlorophyll and bad breath products - rinses, toothpastes, mints etc. - and the 1950s saw a bit of a craze with respect to this halitosis remedy. It's popularity didn't really last, however, and most of the products eventually disappeared. The idea of using the pigment to absorb odors remained and it is still being used today for other situations.

The association between chlorophyll and bad breath products continues, but it has become somewhat secondary. Some scientific research has been done on the ability of chlorophyllin to remove fecal and urinary odors in patients with colostomies and urinary incontinence. The results, though not astounding, were positive enough to make the pigment a common dietary supplement for this application. It has also been recommended as a remedy for foot odor, and may have other health benefits such as providing protection against cancer and certain other diseases. After almost fifty years of use for one reason or another, one thing is certain - this substance is quite safe.

Clorets products remain on the market, a testament to the popularity of the product when most other chlorophyll and bad breath products have been forgotten, Although its effect on halitosis has not been scientifically studied, anecdotal reports suggest that's its major strength may lie in its ability to mask the odor of cigarette smoke. Interestingly, deer hunters who smoke recommend Clorets to prevent deer from catching human scent downwind.

There may be something to the suggestion that chlorophyllin can absorb the odor of halitosis to some extent. Remember, however, that the claims with respect to chlorophyll and bad breath only address odor reduction: no one is saying that this substance can actually attack the causes of halitosis and cure the problem. At best, it is a band aid solution.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Read through Bad Breath in Children far more

Bad Breath in Children

Bad Breath

We usually associate bad breath, or halitosis, with adult breath, but bad breath in children certainly does occur. Perhaps it is less common because some of the conditions that favor the growth of anaerobic bacteria - the bacteria that produce foul smelling volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) - are uncommon in children. These bacteria can be present in children's mouths as well, however, and they can cause bad breath.

Sweet smelling bad breath in children, however, can be a sign of something more serious. Bad breath in children that has more of a sugary or fruity odor, rather than a rotten egg smell, is a symptom of ketoacidosis, a serious complication in diabetes. Ketoacidosis can be deadly, so if you notice a sweet smell on your child's breath, and the child seems at all unwell, a prompt visit to the doctor is in order. If the smell is very transient and the child has no other symptoms, the sweet smell may have been caused by a recently eaten food and is probably nothing to worry about.

Frequent bad breath in children, the rotten egg kind as opposed to sweet smelling bad breath in children, is probably caused by the same oral bacteria that cause halitosis in adults. In children, these bacteria are unlikely to be multiplying in airless pockets formed by gum disease, and are probably living almost exclusively on the surface of the tongue, nestled down between the taste buds and protected by a layer of other bacteria and non-living material. This is called a biofilm - a mixed community of organisms functioning together. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's unfortunate when the bacteria that produce VSC are a big part of the mix. They cause bad breath in children.

Frequent bad breath in children will respond best to efforts to reduce the number of anaerobic VSC-producing bacteria on the tongue. Gentle brushing of the tongue will remove many of them mechanically. Care should be taken not to be too enthusiastic however: too vigorous scraping or brushing of the tongue can do damage. Many over the counter remedies, and natural remedies are available; be sure to check whether your choice is recommended for bad breath in children. And remember, sweet smelling bad breath in children can be a sign of serious illness: don't try to treat this at home.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath in Children, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Understand Bad Breath Cures - 5 Tips For Curing Bad Breath additional

Bad breath cures are not something many people talk about, in fact save for hurtful comments made behind the back of someone with bad breath, there is rarely any real discussion on this all too common personal problem.

With that said, for those of that know the pain, embarrassment and frustration of trying to hide a breath problem we often do not want to talk about it, we just want to cure it as fast as possible. This article hopes to help people in just that situation by offering some advice on the best ways to treat and cure bad breath.

Malodorous breath is most often caused by an excessive amount of anaerobic bacteria living in the mouth. Usually these bacteria concentrate on the back of the tongue where they can live between the taste buds but they can also grow on the gum line and cheeks.

As these organisms respire they excrete waste products that contain foul smelling sulfur compounds that evaporate easily at room temperature and are therefore noticed on the breath. Therefore the primary way to cure bad breath is to attempt to limit or reduce the growth of these bacteria.

Fortunately there are a number of ways we can do this. The first is to limit the supply of food to these bacteria by flossing and brushing away particles of food that they could potentially feed on.

The second is to attack them directly by cleaning the area they colonize. The back of the tongue is the ideal breeding ground for the bacteria and they will multiply rapidly if left unchecked. We can evict these unwanted tenants by using a tongue scraper to clean the area thoroughly.

The third way to limit the bacterial growth is to keep the mouth moist. Unfortunately saliva secretion is just one of those things that decreases with age and the fact that most adults do not drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day and in fact often drink diuretic drinks like tea and coffee mean we are often dehydrated. Starting the day with a tall glass of water is not only good for our general health but one of the most effective bad breath cures.

The fourth way to fight a breath problem is to keep the mouth neutral. An acidic environment is the perfect condition for these bacteria to thrive and therefore something we want to avoid. Avoiding acidic foods and drinks like orange juice and sugary foods. You can reduce the acidity of the mouth by using regular baking soda as either a paste brushed on the teeth and tongue or as a solution mixed with water and gargled and swished about the mouth.

Although some people may tell you they have instant bad breath cures getting rid of the bacteria will take a little while. A quick but temporary solution to bad breath is to use mints or gum. If you do choose sugar free gum as it will prevent the mouth becoming acidic whilst also helping the flow of saliva.

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Bad Breath Cures - 5 Tips For Curing Bad Breath

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Study Bad Breath Causes more

Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath

Causes Of Bad Breath

o Food - When you eat, the food particles that remain in and around your teeth can cause an odor in your mouth. Of course, everyone knows that eating onions (raw ones, especially) and garlic are some of the worst culprits.

After you have digested these foods and smelly oils, they penetrate through your blood. Then they travel to your lungs and come up in your breath when you open your mouth. It's possible to have an onion or garlic smell for at least three days.

o Dental issues - Periodontal disease, which occurs from poor dental hygiene, can also cause bad breath. Food particles will remain in your mouth if you don't brush and floss daily. You'll probably have to brush and floss several times a day. If the food particles remain in your mouth, they will absorb bacteria.

You may experience plaque on your teeth. If you don't brush your teeth properly or not enough, the plaque can mess with your gums. You can end up getting gingivitis and tooth decay. Pockets can form between your teeth and gums. This condition is called periodonitis. Peridonitis can cause the bad breath to linger.

o Dry mouth - The inside of your mouth should always be moist with saliva. Saliva is used to clean your mouth. If you don't have any saliva circulating on the inside, dead cells will gather on your tongue. They can also come on your cheeks and gums. This condition is called dry mouth.

Once the dead cells accumulate, they start to deteriorate, causing a foul odor inside of the mouth. This condition usually happens when a person is sleeping. If you sleep with your mouth open, you are more prone to get dry mouth. When you wake up in the morning, dry mouth can also cause what is known as "morning breath."

o Chronic diseases - Certain chronic lung ailments such as infections and abscesses can emit foul odors as you open your mouth. If you have chronic kidney failure, you could have an odor that smells like urine.

A fishy odor could be the result of chronic liver ailments. Those that have diabetes have a fruity odor. Also, some stomach ailments have been linked to bad breath.

o Nose and throat infections - A person can also have bad breath from allergies. Sinus infections cause a nasal discharge. It goes from the back of the throat and trickles downward. This can cause a foul odor. You can also have bad breath if you have upper respiratory ailments in which you cough up mucus.

o Tobacco - If you smoke cigarettes, it causes your mouth to be dry. Smoking causes an unpleasant odor after you have puffed on a cigarette. If you are a smoker, there is a greater chance for you to get periodontal disease, which would be a double whammy because that also causes bad breath.

o Extreme dieting - If you use a special diet or fasting to lose weight, you may have a fruity breath. This is a result of developing ketoacidosis, which is when the chemicals break down while you're fasting.

o Milk - If you find out that you're intolerant of milk, then you'll have to get rid of it. You can develop bad breath if you're consuming milk or dairy products that you can't digest.

o Alcohol - Drinking alcohol can cause health issues with your digestive system. It also causes dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath.

o Stress - You probably would have never thought that stress could cause bad breath, but it can. When you're stressed out, your digestive system is affected, which triggers bad breath.

Even with normal fresh breath, it could eventually transform into halitosis. Here are some other things that can cause bad breath:

o Cavities

o Dentures

o Drugs

o Insulin

o Gingivitis

o Vitamin Supplements

o Tonsils that catch food particles

o Cancer of the throat or mouth

o HIV infection

o Dehydration

There are solutions that you can try that can improve the quality of your breath. You can also use these to prevent bad breath. If you have bad breath, the answer may not be the same for everyone. Consult your physician for diagnosis, advise and treatment on bad breath. This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to be a substiture for medical care.

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Read through Bad Breath - What Causes Bad Breath? a lot more

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be a major problem, especially when you're about to snuggle with your sweetie or whisper a joke to your friend. The good news is that bad breath can often be prevented with some simple steps.

The foods eaten also are a potential cause of halitosis. Certain foods, such as garlic, onions and certain spices are frequently cited as cause for a person's bad breath. Both vegetarians and those who eat large quantities of meat may develop bad breath due, in part, to the digestive process. Digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva has enzymes which begin the digestion process, and the type of food eaten can affect the food chemistry of the mouth. Saliva will also pick up odors from food within several hours after it has been eaten. Odors are strongest from carbohydrates - sugars, starches and cellulose, less strong from proteins, and nonexistent from fats. Bacteria in the mouth react with the decaying food and drink residue and can be the source of the foul odor.

Gum disease, most certainly, can cause bad breath, because food trapped in gum pockets can rot and ferment, which releases sulfur products, and increases tartar buildup on the teeth, which also traps bacteria that release sulfur products. Most know that smoking causes bad breath, and that heart problems eventually result from the habit, but few realize that smoking causes gum disease, and that gum disease can cause heart problems.

Bad breath is also associated with sinus infections because nasal discharge from your sinuses into the back of your throat can cause mouth odor. A child with bad breath may have a foreign object lodged in his or her nose. A bean or small item stuck in the nose can cause persistent nasal discharge and a foul odor. Strep throat, tonsillitis and mononucleosis can cause bad breath until the throat infection clears. Bronchitis and other upper respiratory infections in which you cough up odorous sputum are other sources. Canker sores may be related to bad breath, especially if they accompany periodontal disease.

Bad Breath is usually caused by the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. Bad breath is not contagious, meaning you cannot catch it from someone else. Chronic bad breath, known as Halitosis, does not come from the stomach. The only odor that comes from the stomach is when you burp. Food eaten such as garlic and spicy foods once absorbed into the body can release odor through the lungs when you breathe.

Bad breath in the low/no-carb sect is often caused by certain chemicals that are released in the breath as the body burns fat. They are called ketones, and entering into a fat-burning state of ketosis is the hallmark of the Atkins diet. So the good news is that if your breath stinks, you're probably doing a good job of sticking to that low-carb diet.

Bad breath may be the sign of a medical disorder, such as a local infection in the respiratory tract, chronic sinusitis, postnasal drip, chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastrointestinal disturbance, liver or kidney ailment. If your dentist determines that your mouth is healthy, you may be referred to your family doctor or a specialist to determine the cause of bad breath.

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Bad Breath - What Causes Bad Breath?