Although it might be under their noses, some people are not aware that they have bad breath.This oral health problem is an unpleasant condition that often is a cause of embarrassment.
Bad breath can be caused by certain foods: Tobacco and alcohol inclusive. Garlic and onions contribute to this condition because they contain odour-causing compounds. when these compounds enter the bloodstream, they are transferred to the lungs where they are exhaled.
Dry mouth is another condition that can cause bad breath. Under normal conditions, saliva removes many particles that cause bad breath. Dry mouth occurs when the flow of saliva decreases. Some medications, salivary gland problems or constant mouth breathing also may contribute to mouth odor.
Other causes include some prescription or over-the-counter drugs. It usually has some systematic origin. for example, the respiratory track condition or other ailments.
Another major cause of this breath problem in healthy people is microbial deposits on the tongue, especially the back of the tongue.
If you have halitosis, experts suggest using sugarless lollies and increasing your fluid in take. Avoid Tobacco products
Brushing can reduce this ailment to an extent. Food stuck between teeth leave an unpleasant odour as it decays.
Dentures that are not cleaned properly also can harbour odour and bacteria resulting in halitosis Using good mouthwash containing fluoride can also helping in reducing this problem. Maintain a healthy habit. schedule regular dental visits. If you are concerned that you have a consistent bad breath, keep a log of what you eat.
Let your dentist know what your prescribed medications are, if any.
Bad BreathKingsley Is a Bad Breath Expert. Visit my blog at to Discover Therabreath Bad breath Treatment