Read through Bad Breath And How To Tell If You Have It! additional

Bad Breath

How to check if your breath is kiss-able fresh or is bad enough to stop a clock on the other side of the world no matter how clean and white your smile

OK, here's the scoop on bad breath or as it's more formally called, halitosis. Smelly breath has ruined more romantic evenings than your white and bright teeth will ever make happen. It's not to the point where I would say that if you ever hope to have a romantic, hot, passionate night with your favorite loved one, you're got to have a fresh mouth, but it's close.

Notice this will NOT be a typical spiel saying that breath doesn't matter considering what's done during those romantic adventures. Considering where our mouths usually end up during those trysts with our significant other, I can hear some guys say what's the difference?

The difference is that someone with clean and fresh breath has a much greater chance of being kissed than someone with halitosis. To get interest from someone, we can't offend them! This means clean is preferred to smelly, and this goes especially for your mouth and fingernails. A clean mouth with white teeth and a great smile suggest a healthy person. Odors, especially here in the United States have a negative connotation and are not considered positive.

So without further ado, let's take a look at how we can check our breath.
One of the best ways to tell if you're breath is "less than great", is to ask a friend or close relative to just smell your mouth. Have them check to be sure the smell is coming from your mouth and NOT your nose.
If the odor is from your nose, it's probably coming from your upper nasal passage. This can indicate an infection or sinus problem that should probably be looked at by your doctor.
If the odor is from your mouth, chances are that a good cleaning can make your breath smell fresh and pleasant. An effective halitosis treatment is good dental health. Good breath by the way is actually neutral in smell.

The main causes of halitosis is poor dental hygiene. Food particles get stuck between your teeth then start to rot and smell. By regularly seeing your dentist and keeping up a regimen of brushing and flossing daily, halitosis will disappear as if by magic.

Assuming the odor is coming from your mouth, the next question would be what kind of odor? If the smell is a definite food type odor, a good brushing, flossing and mouthwash will do the trick. If however, the odor is more of rotting or definite unpleasant smell, it's time for a more comprehensive cleaning.

Now if you don't have a good friend to check you breath, I have another idea that works almost as good.

Stick a clean finger in your mouth and rub your tongue as far back as possible WITHOUT making yourself gag. This will collect the saliva, bacteria and odor from your tongue. Next, run the saliva on the back of your hand and wait about a minute then smell your hand. If not something YOU would like to kiss, time to get out the toothbrush, dental floss and mouthwash.

You can have the whitest teeth and a bright smile but without dealing with bad mouth odor, no one will want to get around you. don't let dull teeth or smelly breath lower your kiss-ability potential!

Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include family, Health, and Home. For more info on bad breath and other oral hygiene issues go to [] and []

Bad Breath And How To Tell If You Have It!

Bad Breath