Read through Bad Breath Advice additional

Bad breath- everyone has it at some point or another, and everyone ought to want to know how to successfully prevent it. There is a common question frequently is asked by patients and parents for guidance on how to keep it away.

Some studies show that half of people in the United States have bad breath at any given time.Of those people in that category, half of people with bad breath suffer from chronic halitosis. A study that appeared in the Journal of the American Dental Association states that about 90 percent of halitosis starts in people's mouths.

Another report show that Americans spent $715 million on oral care gum, and $625 million on breath fresheners in 2000. Even though these figures are older, Bonvino says they remain a good indicator of people's desire to banish their bad breath.

Fight Bad Breath With Food

Along with practicing good oral hygiene after meals, MSN Health & Fitness recommends certain foods that can help end it. They include fruits and vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates, all in proper proportion. Drinking fluids that maintain a healthy GI tract also goes a long way toward avoiding this embarrassing dilemma.

Some orthodontists say chewing gum is a good way to combat bad breath because it can produce saliva, which is one of the body's natural remedies for it. Since gum typically isn't available during the day for school-aged kids, orthodontics patients who are in traditional braces, or some denture wearers, orthodontists encourage people to gravitate toward foods that can produce the same amount of saliva as gum. Those foods include items that have high fiber content: celery, apples and carrots, to name a few. These foods produce saliva that essentially washes away the plaque that increases bad breath. For those who prefer fruits over vegetables, go for fruits that are high in Vitamin C. Vitamin C can kill the bacteria that causes it.

Effective Dental Care

Food particles that accumulate in the mouth are the most common reason for bad breath. Brushing after every meal can keep the food from building up. When brushing, remember to also brush the tongue because it collects bacteria and food particles, too.

Chewing on certain herbs or making a tea from herbs also produces saliva and is another option for people who can't chew gum.

Telling Someone They Have Bad Breath

There are numerous sites that offer advice about approaching this delicate topic, these websites help do it in a way to doesn't hurt someone's feelings or damage relationships. Show consideration for the person by making sure the conversation is private. This lets them see that their feelings are being respected.

While it might seem embarrassing to the other person, telling them about their bad breath is actually a polite thing to do. When approaching them, a person should talk like they would want to be talked if to they were on the receiving end of the conversation.

Bad Breath

If you would like to learn about Savage MN children's orthodontics professional and our kids orthodontics Dr. Trudy Bonvino call 952.469.3333. © 2011 Master Google and Dr. Trudy Bonvino. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Master Google, a company that offers video SEO services, is credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this article is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Bad Breath Advice

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath in Throat far more

Most bad breath, or halitosis, originates in the mouth, specifically at the back of the tongue - if you sense bad breath in throat air, the problem may not really be halitosis at all. The rotten egg smell that we associate with halitosis is the smell of sulfur compounds. These sulfur compounds are produced by bacteria that are living in the mouth and breaking down proteins for nutrients. These bacteria typically live on the tongue at the back of the mouth and they may also be found between the teeth and in gum cervices, especially when gum disease is present. They do not usually live in the throat area.

When it seems to be coming from the throat bad breath is generally being caused by something else. It could originate in one of several places. Sinus drainage and tears drain into the throat high at the back of the mouth and infection or blockage in the sinuses can result in this drainage having an unpleasant odor and thus causing bad breath in throat air. These conditions are usually temporary, especially if treated by a doctor - treating the problem will clear up the halitosis.

Air from the lungs also moves through the throat, and trapped air is occasionally expelled from the stomach through the throat as well. It's rare for a bad odor to emanate from the lungs and cause bad breath in throat air, and when this does happen, the problem is generally more serious than simple halitosis and should be promptly seen by a doctor. Similarly, throat bad breath that is thought to come from the stomach (and which is not associated with a recently eaten food), could be a sign of more serious disease. Clearly, mouthwash isn't going to help.

If bad breath in throat air is associated with a sore throat, it may simply be the result of a bacterial or viral infection that's causing breakdown of tissues there. Most of these infections are self-limiting and they clear up on their own after a few days. There is one, however, that causes throat bad breath, sore throat, and fever, and this one needs medical attention. It is Streptococcus pyogenes, the cause of strept throat. If the throat is very sore and doesn't improve on its own in a few days, is accompanied by fever, and the bad breath in throat air smells very unpleasant, see your doctor promptly for a professional diagnosis.

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Bad Breath in Throat

Read through The Causes of Bad Breath in Children - What Causes Childhood Bad Breath? much more

The causes of bad breath in children can be a spectrum of different things from the foods they eat to gum disease much in the same way they can be for adults. That said, a vast majority of the time children that suffer chronic bad breath do so because their oral hygiene routine is not yet up to scratch.

The good news is it is easily amended and by addressing the problem children can often quickly get rid of this problem. In this article we are going to take a quick look at some of the things children are missing out on that could be causing their bad breath.

Many children know that they should brush their teeth yet if left to their own devices many will forget or simply choose not to. Brushing is important as it removes plaque and food and cell debris that poor breath causing bacteria could potentially use to grow. Therefore make sure your child brushes their teeth, and does so for a full two minutes.

Flossing is an aspect of dental hygiene many adults ignore let alone children but it is very important for getting rid of those food and cell debris particles brushing can not reach. Although it can be awkward and even sore on young gums flossing should be encouraged and there are fun floss holders that can make the task more appealing to children.

Cleaning the tongue or failure to do so rather is very often a cause of bad breath in children and adults. You see the back of the tongue is where bacteria thrive so we need to remove them by cleaning the tongue either with a brush or tongue scraper. This can be very uncomfortable for adults so introduce it gradually and slowly with any child.

Once the mucus has been cleared from the back of the tongue we can attack the area with an antibacterial mouthwash. There are many gentle brands for children but just be sure to choose one that is alcohol free.

Ultimately the cause of bad breath in children could be one of many things and the information above is a rough guide to some of the more common causes of bad breath. However poor breath can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition therefore seeking professional opinion is paramount for the correct diagnosis.

Bad Breath

There are a wide variety of factors that can cause childhood bad breath that we need to be aware of if we are to successfully prevent and solve this embarrassing problem. Discover them here.

The Causes of Bad Breath in Children - What Causes Childhood Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath Home Remedies - Control Bad Breath much more

Bad Breath

Nobody likes to have bad breath and carrying breath mints or mouth wash with you all day can be cumbersome. Bad breath, or halitosis, often leads to some embarrassing social experiences that could have been avoided with simple home remedies for bad breath. The best defense against halitosis is good oral hygiene and regular appointments with your dentist. However, many people are unaware that some bad breath home remedies can help most people get through the day without having to carry around a lot of breath mints or mouth wash. Are you looking for a bad breath remedy that is more portable or one that begins at home and lasts for hours? Do you want to avoid all of the unnecessary chemicals that manufacturers put into breath fresheners? Then you can use some of the following tips to help you naturally keep your breath fresh all day.

The reasons.

Many people don't know the reasons behind halitosis. Halitosis can result from illness, dehydration, poor oral hygiene or even with some foods that you eat. The best way to control halitosis is with good oral hygiene, and begins with regular visits to a dentist twice a year for professional cleaning. Good oral hygiene should then be continued daily with the brushing and flossing of the teeth. For those that want avoid manufactured products, they can brush with baking soda and water instead of toothpaste.

They can also gargle with water and salt instead of mouthwash. This sets people up for success when they begin their day, and makes these home remedies more effective.

Keep yourself hydrated.

One could argue that if you are ill, you shouldn't be out socializing in the first place, bad breath or not. However, this is when staying hydrated is most important to both overall health and your oral health. Drinking plenty of water not only protects your health, but it is a natural way for you to control your halitosis when you are well. Drinking water instead of carbonated beverages with do a better job of keeping your breath fresh, and if you add some lemon or lemon juice to the bottled water you carry around, it will do an even better job of controlling halitosis.

Control your diet.

Few people can get through the day without eating, and for the people who do eat, watching what they consume can help avoid bad breath. If you are carrying your lunch or dinner with you, or you choose to dine out at a restaurant, take care not to eat foods that notoriously cause bad breath. Food that is heavily seasoned with garlic or onion will make it very difficult for you to control halitosis. If you dine out, most reputable restaurants will offer lemon wedges as a garnish and while this may make the meal more appealing to look at, eating the wedge when your done will neutralize any odor casing food that you've eaten. Many people also do not know that parsley is a natural deodorizing garnish that if eaten after your meal, will also help control you breath.

These bad breath home remedies [] will help those people who want to naturally control their breath all day. The good news for everybody is that the home remedies for bad breath are easy to use and provide the control they need for all day fresh breath. Although, the best bad breath remedy [] is regular visits to your dentist and good oral hygiene.

Bad Breath Home Remedies - Control Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Examine Baby Bad Breath additional

Most babies have sweet smelling breath, but occasionally baby bad breath does occur. It can be a particular problem upon waking, after the baby has been asleep for a few hours - like morning breath in adults. During sleep, the mouth is typically relaxed and motionless, there is decreased saliva production, and bacteria that live in the mouth cavity have an opportunity to multiply undisturbed. Some of these bacteria can produce the unpleasant odor we associate with bad breath, and when they multiply to sufficient numbers, the odor becomes detectable.

If you think that "morning breath" is causing bad breath in baby, try treating it by cleansing the mouth before putting baby down for a nap. If baby is very young and has no teeth, encourage a water rinse to flush traces of formula or bits of food out of cracks and crevices. If baby has teeth, a gentle brushing and a rinse should help. Rinsing and brushing upon waking can be helpful too. (Fluoridated toothpastes should be used very sparingly in young children, and brushing should always be supervised even when your child is old enough to begin brushing on her own.) If these measures relieve the baby bad breath, you needn't do more.

However, if bad breath in baby persists after brushing and cleansing, there may be another problem. Does baby use a soother or habitually suck on some other object like a blanket or stuffed toy? An object that is continually put into the mouth gets coated with saliva and oral bacteria and can develop an unpleasant odor. Though the smell may not be offensive to your child, it can contribute to lingering bad odors in the vicinity of baby, and to baby bad breath. The simple solution is to wash or replace the offending item regularly. Eventually, your child will give up the sucking habit and the problem will disappear on its own.

Occasionally bad breath in baby has a more sinister cause. If your efforts to solve the problem are fruitless, you should consult your pediatrician or family doctor. The physician will check for signs of throat or sinus infection, infection somewhere in the mouth, tooth decay, or a foreign object lodged in a nasal passage. Sinus congestion can contribute to baby bad breath as well, by causing baby to breathe through the mouth: dry mouth is a cause of breath odor in both children and adults because saliva is naturally antibacterial and, in a healthy mouth, it keeps the population of odor causing bacteria at a minimum.

Once again, baby bad breath is relatively unusual: if simple measures don't solve the problem, your child should be seen by a medical professional to rule out more serious problems.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Baby Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath extra

Breath Mints, Sugar, and Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

The idea of taking a mint to freshen your breath seems pretty convenient to many people. The mint tastes good, usually sweet, and it makes your mouth smell good.

What these people don't know is that many breath mints contain sugar, thus making your breath smell even worse after a certain period of time, more precisely when bacteria starts forming in your mouth.

As we all know bad breath is usually caused by bacteria in your mouth that feed upon the things you eat, and produce wastes. These wastes are the source of your bad breath. By eating mints, you may temporarily cover up the smell of your breath, but after a while it will return because of the sugar contained in the mints.

Breath mints work because they make you think that your breath smells nice, using the fresh smell that they produce when you put them in your mouth. After eating breath mints, people don't worry about their breath anymore, thinking that the product did it's job. People also have this opinion about sweet foods such as chocolate, cookies, cake or whatever. It's not about how good the food smells, it's about the sugar and the fact that it helps form that nasty bacteria in your mouth.

Clinical quality mints like TriOral or BreathRx, are made without sugar. These type of mints are sweetened with xylitol, a non-sugar sweetener, so they really do what they are supposed to do. Most chewing gum these days is also sugar free, and all the manufacturers specify that.

Read Sinus Pressure, Drainage and Bad Breath - What to Do About It much more

There is something that can very negatively affect your success in life, but very few people will ever mention it to you. You guessed it: It's halitosis - bad breath. The "fresh breath industry" sells many millions of dollars in products that supposedly take care of this problem. While most of the formulas being manufactured and purveyed can leave their users with a fresh breath for a few minutes, the truth is that a person needs more than just that short a time to care for his mouth odor. To do that a person needs to go to the source of the problem and deal with it at that level. Does this make sense?

Bad breath is caused mainly by: what we eat and drink, by a dry mouth--not enough saliva is produced to wash down odor producing bacteria,--poor hygiene and by sinus drainage. This latter cause is, many believe, the main cause of a majority of the halitosis problems. The first thing we ought to understand is that sinus drainage is normal--if it produces between one and two pints of mucus a day. This physiological function is very important to maintain our respiratory system working properly. The problem is with excessive production, especially one caused by infection of the sinus cavities. An infection of this kind leads to the proliferation of obnoxious, odor producing bacteria. On the other hand, sometimes there is no infection involved and yet some of the bacteria accompanying the mucus is of the kind that produces halitosis. There are two main things you can do to alleviate the excessive production of mucus and to avoid infection:

Cut down on mucus producing foods. Frankly, significant amounts of some foods are bad for you from several health perspectives, besides halitosis. Some of these foods are notoriously known for giving bad breath. They food items tend to cause excessive sinus drainage in many people and if you are one of them you may want to reconsider using freely these things
Keep your sinuses clear at all times. This will avoid mucus stagnation and potential sinus infections
Drink lots of pure, plain, room temperature water. If you tolerate warm water it is excellent to wash excess stomach acids, etc, and help your health in general--with positive effects on your breath
Allergies to the environment are a very common cause of excessive sinus drainage which often results in bad breath. If this is your case you do well to consider checking with your physician for a long-term solution
To keep your sinuses clear you can do the following acupressure point: With the tip of your index fingers, pointing backwards, press firmly on the spots right next to your nostrils, for 3 minutes. You will feel your sinuses draining in minutes
Chewing on fresh parsley sprigs often freshens the breath naturally and effectively.

Were you to try the above items faithfully you would very probably experience a fresher breath, naturally.

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Sinus Pressure, Drainage and Bad Breath - What to Do About It

Go through Home Remedy for Bad Breath - Effective or Not? additional

Home Remedy for Bad Breath - Effective or Not?

Bad Breath

Finding the perfect home remedy for bad breath can be easy, as long as you know where to look. There are many sources that you can check for this. You can go to your local library, and find many books and magazines on the topic. Or, you can choose to go online and perform your very own search for these remedies. Whatever your method of research is, you will surely find an effective method that you can use. To top it off, these home remedies are very easy to implement! So, you really won't have any difficulty incorporating these into your daily routine.

One very effective home remedy for bad breath is by chewing parsley. Parsley is actually a popular choice when it comes to treating bad breath. This is because parsley has natural properties that can freshen your breath very easily. All you have to do is chew on what is known as a sprig of parsley. The parsley right here should be raw. You can also choose to make parsley mouthwash of your own. Simply chop up to three sprigs of parsley and mix it into two cups of water. The water here should be boiling. Let the parsley sprigs seep into the water for roughly 15 to 20 minutes. After which, take out the sprigs and let the concoction cool down just a bit. Once it cools down to a safe temperature, you can then gargle with your very own mouthwash already. If you want, you can also add a couple of Eucalyptus leaves into the concoction. This type of leaves is ideal in fighting off bad breath as well.

There are also certain spices that you can use in fighting off bad breath, especially if your bad breath is caused by the foods that you consume during the day. In fact, these spices make a great home remedy for bad breath. You cannot help it, for there are indeed certain food items that have naturally strong odors. These food items can very well cause bad breath. If you are eating such items, you should consider chewing on fennel seeds, cloves, anise seeds, or cardamom seeds. These spices are actually recommended by a lot of physicians as well, so you are sure to incorporate a safe method here.

Herbal tea is also effective in battling bad breath. One such example is Fenugreek tea. All you have to do is add a teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds to a liter of water. Let the concoction simmer over just low heat for about 15 minutes or so. You can then strain the mixture and drink it up. This is indeed an excellent home remedy for bad breath.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Find out more about a TARGET="_new" natural and effective bad breath remedy that can cure your bad breath in 24 hours at his blog

Go through Cat Bad Breath additional

Cat bad breath is not so different from human bad breath: it tends to be caused by the activities of bacteria in the mouth that break down proteins and release sulfur compounds into the air. Sulfur smells bad, so breath that contains sulfur compounds smells bad also. In cats, the bacteria that cause the problem tend to be associated with a buildup of tartar on the teeth. Tartar is a coating composed of food particles, bacteria, and minerals.

To cure cat bad breath, it's helpful to try to remove the tartar that has built up on the cat's teeth. Some pet foods are formulated to help reduce tartar by producing mechanical friction that scrapes tartar off, or by including an enzyme that helps to dissolve it. Pet treats are also commonly marketed as tartar fighters in one way or another. If the buildup of tartar on the cat's teeth is extensive, it might be necessary to pay to have a professional cleaning. When the tartar is removed, the cat bad breath should go away.

Some people are able to clean their cat's teeth at home. Animal toothpastes are available in meat flavors - the mechanical brushing is important for removing tartar, but some of these toothpastes also contain enzymes that dissolve the tartar, so just getting it on the teeth regularly will help a bit to cure cat bad breath. Toothbrushes and tooth scrapers are also available. It is a fortunate cat owner whose cat will tolerate this kind of attention: start early with your cat to prevent the buildup of tartar in the first place, and avoid cat bad breath later.

Another approach is to try to decrease the number of bacteria in the cat's mouth that are producing the bad smell. Just as chlorhexidine and other antibacterials are helpful for humans, these substances can be added to a pet's water or sprayed directly on the teeth to combat cat bad breath. Alternative products are also available that treat the problem by fighting the bacteria. These remedies don't remove the tartar however, so they won't permanently cure cat bad breath - a combination of a bacteria-fighting product, with a mechanical means of tartar removal might be the best approach.

Keep in mind that, like people, cats sometimes have an odor in the mouth that is not coming from the mouth: kidney and liver disease are two things that cause cat bad breath. Take you cat to your veterinarian if your cat has a consistent problem, so that a complete examination can be done. Even if the problem does originate in the mouth, treatment under the watchful eye of a veterinarian is important because problems in the mouth can lead to other serious health problems later. If you cure cat bad breath now, you may avoid trouble in the future.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Cat Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Tonsils and Bad Breath a lot more

Suffers of breath malodor often wonder if there is a connection between tonsils and bad breath. Usually, this is not the case, but in certain circumstances bacteria multiplying at the back of the throat in the tonsil area can cause a bad odor on the breath. This odor has one of two sources: the breakdown of healthy tissues caused by an active infection - pharyngitis - such as strept throat, or the breakdown of dead cells and food particles by anaerobic bacteria that are part of the normal ecosystem of the mouth. This article deals with the second scenario.

To understand the link between tonsils and halitosis, it's helpful to understand what the tonsils are and where they're located. We actually have three types of tonsils in the nasopharynx, the area at the back of the mouth and the top of the throat. The pharyngeal tonsil (also known as the adenoids) lies at the back of the nasal cavity high in the throat. The palatine tonsils are located at the back of the oral cavity and are visible when the mouth is opened widely. Lastly, the lingual tonsils are situated at the very base of the tongue. All of these tonsils are part of the lymphoid system - an important part of the body's defenses against invading and potentially disease causing organisms. The tonsils that most commonly give rise to an association between tonsils and bad breath are the palatine tonsils.

The palatine tonsils lie between folds of tissue called tonsillar pillars. The tonsils are composed of dense lymphoid tissue and each has between ten and twenty little hollows in its surface. The tiny hollows, called tonsillar crypts, collect shed epithelial (skin) cells from the lining of the mouth and throat, white blood cells (pus cells), both living and dead, and oral bacteria - a combination that can easily explain why tonsils and bad breath sometimes go together. Located as they are, in the back of the throat, these crypts have sinus drainage, saliva, chewed food, and cellular debris constantly passing by them. In some people, particularly those who have chronic sinus irritation with post nasal drip, material can build up in the tonsillar crypts, causing the aggregates that are the link between halitosis and bad breath. These aggregates are called tonsil stones or tonsiloliths.

Tonsiloliths are literally little balls of dead cells, debris, and bacteria. The bacteria, inhabitants of tonsils, and bad breath producers, find a ready source of food in the dead and decaying cellular material. Consuming the protein there, they produce foul smelling compounds called volatile sulfur compounds as they multiply. As long as the tonsil stones remain lodged in the tonsillar crypts, the bad odor will be produced; eventually the tonsil stones become large enough to be dislodged and swallowed. Then new ones will begin to form. For people who tend to develop tonsiloliths, the problem of stones in the crypts of the tonsils and halitosis is likely to be continuous over time, and require a regular program to combat breath malodor.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Tonsils and Bad Breath at Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Tonsils and Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Examine Bad Breath - Can Mouthwash Help Stop Bad Breath? much more

Bad Breath

To find out how to stop halitosis, it is important to understand what it is, how it works and then what remedies actually work. This article will discuss how mouthwash can help reduce bad breath.

Halitosis, also known commonly as bad breath, is caused by the bacteria that accumulates in the mouth of a person. Mostly found on and near the back of the tongue, anaerobic bacteria can thrive in the back of the mouth where there is little oxygen and lots of amino acids. The acid actually occur in phlegm, mucus, and food residues from dairy and other foods high in protein. When food residues like these are left in crevasses in the teeth and gums, it will produce Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC). Volatile Sulfur Compounds give off a small of hydrogen sulfide, similar to rotten eggs. Such foul breath condition can also be caused by some foods after digestion, or in some cases, from certain medications that we take.

Without daily brushing and flossing of teeth, these food particles stay lodged in the mouth and allowing bacteria to multiply. As the food particles begin to decompose, they produce a sour or unpleasant odor. In addition, when you eat foods like onions, garlic or other similar foods, the properties of these foods become absorbed in your bloodstream, which then is transferred to the lungs and is exhaled when you breathe. Your breath condition will only improve when these food is processed by your body or has left your system.

When you look through all the items available in the oral hygiene section of your local drug store, there is such a wide variety that it can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, most products really are not effective at killing bacteria in your mouth if your bad breath is a chronic problem. These products are often designed just to smell sweet and mask the bad breath smell, but they only will work for a very short while. One exception would be any kind of mouthwash that has zinc chloride as an ingredient, or one which your dentist recommends.

Ingredients In Mouthwash

When you are trying to decide which mouthwash to purchase, look for these ingredients or features:

Cetylpyridinium chloride

This is an antibacterial compound which can reduce the amount of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth.

Zinc chloride

This material can reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds, and also will bind to other compounds which anaerobic bacteria uses to develop volatile sulfur compounds.

Antibacterial or antiseptic mouthwash

This can kill the anaerobic bacteria responsible for producing volatile sulfur compounds. Avoid any of these mouthwashes that have alcohol, which is a drying agent.

Chlorine Dioxide

This is an oxidizing agent which uses oxygen to affect anaerobic bacteria to reduce the bacteria in the mouth.

Home Made Mouthwash

A good home remedy is to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse. It adds oxygen to the environment where the bacteria are thriving, and thus helps kill the anaerobic bacteria. If you do not have any hydrogen peroxide, simply using a glass of water to swish around the mouth can also remove any food particles that remain stuck between the teeth and gums. Food particles that remain lodged in your mouth will result in bacteria growth, and in turn bad breath. Leaving food in your mouth to rot can become a gold mine of bacteria.

Tips When Using Mouthwash

In using an everyday mouthwash product, there are certain techniques to get the most effect. The purpose of using a mouthwash is to kill any bacteria causing foul breath and the bacteria that cluster at the back of your tongue. It is most effective to gargle when you rinse, being sure to rinse the back of the mouth with an ah sound. This action makes the tongue shift toward the front of the mouth, and let the mouthwash access the rear area of the tongue where most bacteria can be found. Once you have thoroughly rinsed and gargled, be sure not to swallow the mouthwash, but to spit it out to remove the bacteria.

Ultimately the type of mouthwash, how it is used, and whether you also have a good oral hygiene habits will determine whether or not using mouthwash is effective in controlling bad breath. As long as you are making regular visits to your dentist, brushing and flossing daily, then your mouthwash can be an important part of reducing bad breath.

Eliminate bad breath [] today with our tips on bad breath cures [] that work. Learn what are some of the bad breath causing diseases [] at our resource site today.

Bad Breath - Can Mouthwash Help Stop Bad Breath?

Go through Bad Breath in Older People extra

Bad Breath

Aging is a part of the normal cycle of life. Some people are hesitant to accept this due to the increase vulnerability of acquiring age-related problems. One of their major concerns is suffering from bad breath; however, researchers had proven that it is not necessarily a part of aging. In fact, older people can have fresh breath and healthy teeth even in their late 60s. This article explains the indirect relationship between bad breath and aging.

Older people have insufficient saliva to facilitate in washing away food elements and removing microorganisms from the mouth thus developing a foul-smelling breath. Since their body mechanisms are deteriorating, they have low resistance to fight against microorganisms thus creates high risks for acquiring dental and medical diseases leading to bad breath. One major example is having diabetes which causes the breath to smell like acetone or nail polish remover.

Bone and muscle functions of older people are also limited. They have reduced performance of doing activities of daily living. Some of them cannot even carry out proper dental hygiene and care like brushing the teeth resulting to the proliferation of several bacteria in the mouth. Since their gums are more likely to bleed, these bacteria enter the bloodstream causing more serious complications.

Preventing bad breath for older people is definitely an enduring struggle. They should promptly alert family members about the problem or the family members should assertively assess the breath condition of an older member. Once the condition is known, they should research for appropriate treatment to prevent additional damages.

I have read on an online report which discusses on the root causes of bad breath and the body's self-healing capacities to cure dental infections. In addition, it illustrates safe and effective managements which guarantee excellent outcomes in developing fresh breath, healthy gums, and white teeth even for older people.

In the course of aging, your breath or oral condition may be compromised if you do not take steps to maintain its freshness or healthiness. To obtain a high self-esteem and enjoy a valuable seniority life visit this bad breath website

Bad Breath in Older People

Bad Breath

Read through Cure For Bad Breath - 5 Tips to Cure Your Bad Breath more

Bad Breath

Having bad breath can be embarrassing. Trying to get rid of it can be a hassle and frustrating. Especially, when you know people are talking about your breath behind your back. So, what I'm going to do is share with you a cure for bad breath.

That way, your breath will smell fresh and you will have more confidence.

The tips to cure your bad breath are:

1. Drinking unsweetened tea is one way to cure bad breath. You should drink one cup of green tea daily for best results.

2. Another cure for bad breath is to brush and floss daily. Make sure you brush your teeth after every meal. Also, make sure you floss daily. You have plaque and food that get stuck between your teeth that cause you to have smelly breath. By flossing daily, you will be able to stop your breath from stinking.

Also, be sure to brush your tongue. There's a lot of bacteria on your tongue that cause your breath to smell bad.

3. Rinsing your mouth out with baking soda mixed with water is another cure for bad breath. Mix a cup of warm water with baking soda and gargle with it. This is help kill the bacteria in your mouth that causes your breath to stink.

4. Another cure for bad breath is to eat low carb or sugarless yogurt twice a day for at least six weeks. Yogurt has bacteria cultures in it that helps with stop the bacteria in your mouth that causes your breath to stink.

5. Drinking plenty of water is another cure for bad breath. When your mouth dries, your breath tends to smell bad. So, be sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This will help keep your mouth salivated and wet.

This is the cure for bad breath. If your breath stinks, you need to do something about it now. If you don't do something about it now, it could get worse. Also, your mouth might be at risk of an infection.

Don't be embarrassed by your bad breath anymore. To learn how to naturally cure your bad breath the easy way, go to

Cure For Bad Breath - 5 Tips to Cure Your Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Spray - What is a Good Bad Breath Spray? much more

Bad Breath

A quick spritz from a bad breath spray should be enough to conquer your stinky breath problem, right? Wrong! While some sprays will temporarily cover up your smelly breath problem long enough for you to give someone a kiss or get close to someone during an important business meeting without giving offense, it is not a cure.

The foul odor will return, and it may come back at an inopportune time. To get rid of bad breath and have it stay gone, you need something that is going to address the underlying cause of the problem.

Most people who suffer from stinky breath do so because of dental issues that they can't help or from hygiene issues that they CAN help. A handful of others have medical issues like acid reflux, ulcers, diabetes, and sinus troubles that need medication to cure the bad breath.

While a bad breath spray can seem like a good option for a quick cure, it's not really a cure at all. What you need (presuming you don't have a serious medical condition) is something that will kill the odor causing bacteria in your mouth. Most sprays simply don't offer this kind of action.

Worse, some sprays can exacerbate the problem. These are sprays that contain sugar and alcohol, both of which make your stinky breath worse by feeding the bacteria that causes it. If you're going to use a spray, use a medicated one, or a homeopathic one...something that will kill the bacteria in your mouth.

Tea tree oil based sprays are excellent for this, as are those that contain oregano oil and green tea extract. All of these substances have the right properties to kill those smelly breath causing bacteria and keep your mouth smelling fresh and sweet all the time. Naturally, this is the solution you want.

Fortunately, you can find these sprays (as well as mints and capsules with these ingredients) at most health food stores as well as online. If you have a problem that is interfering in your social and professional lives, it's worth the time to find a solution by investing in a bad breath spray that really works.

Who else wants to improve their breath condition? Check out our proven bad breath spray that you can easily make at home. I reveal all the secrets I've personally used to get rid of bad breath. Go to right now before we wise up and decide to no longer reveal our secrets!

Bad Breath Spray - What is a Good Bad Breath Spray?

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath - Worst Habits to Avoid If You Are Serious About Curing Halitosis much more

Bad breath (Halitosis) can be a great social embarrassment. Once you come to realize that you are facing this health condition, it is really frustrating to overcome the problem. However, if you wish to make your bad odor disappear, your first move should be towards the dentist who will examine your medical history and your oral specs to identify the reason for your bad breath. We are listing a few of the worst habits to avoid if you are serious about curing your bad breath issue.

Too much use of mouthwash: It is a common thought that mouthwashes cure the issues of bad breath and make your mouth smell really fresh. On the other hand, if you are making use of a lot of mouthwash to overcome this problem, you are actually making it worse.

Flavored mints for good breath: If you are the one who is consuming a lot of flavored mints to make sure your mouth smells fresh all the time, then you have certainly created a productive breeding space for the bacteria in your mouth. Always remember, a good smelling mouth is not always a healthy mouth.

Excessive use of chewing gum: Having a chewing gum all the time in your mouth does not mean that your breath is healthy. The flow of saliva because of the chewing gum is good, but it only creates an envelope for the bad breath on a temporary basis. If your mouth is running dry frequently, it is better to drink water all day long to eliminate the condition.

Tobacco - your real enemy: Your gums are at higher risk of dissolving if you are consuming smokeless tobacco. This makes your teeth lose their enamel, weakens the gums and overall you are at a higher risk of an oral cancer. As well as this, your tongue loses its sense to taste for different foods. Tobacco will only worsen your bad breath problems.

Drinking Alcohol: Dryness in the mouth is one of the major reasons for halitosis. If you are thinking that vodka or whiskey will cure your mouth of bad odor, then you are absolutely wrong with this thought. Alcohol causes dryness in your mouth which in return causes this issue..

Halitosis also occurs because of the types of foods that you eat. It creates toxins in your intestines, lungs and your tongue which turns white when you wake up early in the morning. You must try to eat healthy foods to keep your stomach clean which in return will help to keep your mouth clean. Diseases such as diabetes or irregular functioning of the kidneys can also lead to the problem of bad breath. You must try to keep your diabetes in control if you are facing the problem of this bad odor. It also causes a lot of problems in our personal and business lives as well as our social lives.

There's no reason you should be embarrassed about your bad breath (halitosis) issues any longer. Click here to get the information you need to effectively control your bad breath. If you're ready to read more about how we can help you with your halitosis problem, visit and download lots of helpful information. "If people take the advice (in this report), they should enjoy excellent dental health for an entire life-time. A tremendous amount of time and work went into the preparation of this." Dr. Paul Keyes, DDS, MS

Bad Breath - Worst Habits to Avoid If You Are Serious About Curing Halitosis

Bad Breath

Read Bad Breath Products - Does Over-the-Counter Mouthwash Really Work to Stop Bad Breath? a lot more

Bad Breath

If you take a stroll down the aisle at your local drug store, you can find many options of products that supposedly stop bad breath. If you are looking for a great mouthwash for this, you may find a large assortment, including Listerine, Scope and other mouthwashes designed to fight gum disease, plaque AND bad breath. While these products may work on your plaque and gum disease, they are definitely not helping with your BREATH. These products are only covering up the odor temporarily. There are some lucky people in the world who always have fresh breath. They can eat as much garlic and onions they please and not have smelly breath. Some people may have it for a short time after eating really potent food, but it goes away after they swish around some over-the-counter mouthwash. Then, there are some folks who are not that lucky! No matter what you do, you have nasty breath in the morning, afternoon and night.

If you have really bad breath (chronic halitosis), you are probably constantly using a mouthwash product in the hopes of helping. You may be actually doing more harm than good. Your successful bad breath product must stop the production of sulfur compounds present in the mouth. Over-the-counter mouthwashes to not contain the necessary ingredient for this. Instead, they may contain some or all of the following ingredients that can actually make matters worse: alcohol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, saccharin, Sodium Chlorate, and Benzalkonium Chloride. One example of how they may make your bad breath worse is "dry mouth" Sodium Lauryl Sulfate can cause your mouth to be dry, which can in turn cause your breath to be worse. Check the ingredients on the mouthwashes and other products you currently use -- you'll be surprised!

Mouthwash for the chronic, bad breath sufferer must contain different ingredients found in over-the-counter products. The main ingredient is Sodium Chlorite (not to be confused with Sodium Chlorate listed above). This is a chemical used in the purification of water. This powerful ingredient allows the bacteria in the mouth to be "oxygenated." This means the bacteria present in the mouth, causing the problems, are exposed to oxygen to then be eliminated. Bacteria in the mouth produces Hydrogen Sulphide, which causes the odor others smell. These bacteria live in areas of the mouth that are unreachable by oxygen. These areas are between the teeth, the BACK of the throat and tongue, the tonsils and periodontal pockets. When a mouthwash containing Sodium Chlorite is used regularly, the odor is eliminated.

If you are intrigued to learn more about how you can stop your bad breath, please do more research yourself. Take a look at Bad Breath Products That Stop Bad Breath

Approximately 9 years ago I developed really bad breath. My husband and kids would always complain about it and it was sometimes very embarrassing when my kids were not discreet about it. I was determined to find a way to stop my bad breath. I tried several different products, which included over-the-counter toothpastes, mouthwashes and gum/mints. Then, I tried Breath Assure (went off the market) and ProFresh (bought online). None of these products worked for my bad breath. The gum and mints just covered up the problem shortly. ProFresh was expensive and it did not work at all. Breath Assure worked sometimes, but was inconsistent. Plus, it went off the market. I attempted to develop a routine suggested by my dentist which consisted of flossing, brushing with Sonicare and rinsing with a bacteria-fighting mouthwash. That did not work either. Plus, I was religious about all of the steps in the routine. I began taking vitamins and probiotics thinking they would help, but to no avail. I almost quit the search to Stop My Bad Breath until I discovered a product line that I decided to try. The product worked so well and so quickly. My husband noticed right away and could not believe it either. The products are safe, reasonably priced and simple to use. Accompanying the products is a wealth of information about bad breath and what the active ingredients are that eliminate the causes of bad breath. If you want to solve your bad breath problem, please learn more at MyBadBreathSolution []. You won't be sorry!

Bad Breath Products - Does Over-the-Counter Mouthwash Really Work to Stop Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath And Sinus Infection much more

Oftentimes, bad breath could be due to sinus infections.

You begin to notice an unpleasant taste in your mouth and this taste is accompanied by foul odour. You wonder what is happening to you. It is bad enough to have such difficulty in breathing. The smell about you is something else to worry about.

It could all be due to an inflammation or an infection of the sinus It is called sinusitis. (words ending in itis simply means an inflammation, and so, sinusitis means an inflammation o the sinus).

Sinus issues do produce breath that is not pleasant because the production of mucus in the nose gives off bad odour which is released through the mouth.

As sinus problem continues untreated, mucus drips to the back of the throat and tongue.This is post nasal drip. Sinus drainage bad breath is the stinky smell caused by post nasal drip. Post nasal drip provides food supply for oral bacteria. Since this is a place where these bacteria live and feed, a waste product they produce is the volatile sulphur compound - which is the unhealthy breath in question.
With good supply of food, these bacteria are able to grow and multiply.

A common remedy for curing bad breath due to sinus infection is to gargle with warm water containing some table salt. What this does is to simply flush out bacteria from your mouth. Clearing out of the bacteria takes care of the foul, unpleasant smell from the infection.

This in itself is not the cure.

There are many types of nasal irrigation that can be applied. Better still, it is preferable to see your doctor.

So much can be said for proper dental hygiene, but thorough brushing is not the cure for sinus infection.
The condition needs to be treated. It cannot be left to go away. It hardly ever does

there are conditions that can either lead to or contribute to sinus problems; but mercifully, curing foul smell due to sinus drainage problems is not very different from curing other types of foul breath issues. Products which work for normal bad breath will usually work for bad-breath-sinus. It will be better to choose a product that works by reducing the population of the bacterium at the back of the tongue.

If you have to choose an oral care product, choose something that is anti-bacterial

Also, there are medicines that are meant to cure the warning signs of sinusitis. These products includes many known nasal sprays, decongestants and antihistamines. They work by relieving the swelling and blockage and by drying extra mucus produced due to the infection.

Bad Breath

Matthew Shofoluwe is a publisher and entrepreneur. You can get more information on Sinus Bad Breath at

Bad Breath And Sinus Infection

Go through How to Test For Bad Breath - The Cheap Bad Breath Tests! much more

Do you want to know how to test for bad breath? One of the fastest ways to know if you have bad breath is to test it on your partner and ask them. I know this problem can be embarrassing and of course, if you are facing this problem, you really have to get rid of it immediately so that the people around you and yourself will feel more comfortable.

- Lick the back of your wrist
This is one of the most common ways to test for bad breath. Lick the back of your wrist and leave it on for a minute. If the smell is bad, you are having a bad breath.

- The toothpick method
Use the toothpick between your teeth and also scrape a little bit on your tongue. Smell the toothpick, it will roughly tell you how bad your breath smell.

- The cotton method
Use a cotton to swab the side of your cheek and also the back of your tongue. This is one of the more accurate ways to test for bad breath.

- Dental floss
You can also check if you have bad breath using the dental floss. Smell the dental floss.

If you can even smell and feel your own breath, I am sure the people who are talking to you can also smell it. If the people around you are stepping a few steps backward when you talk to them or is either they are covering their nose, it is very likely you are suffering from bad breath.

Although some people are suffering from chronic bad breath and getting rid of the smell may seem so difficult for them. The glad thing is bad breath is also common problem and it is curable. You just need to find the exact cause to this problem and use the right remedy to cure the bad breath.

All you need to do now is to get your instructions on How To Cure Bad Breath fast.

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How to Test For Bad Breath - The Cheap Bad Breath Tests!

Read Bad Breath Causes - Recognize These Common Bad Breath Causes a lot more

If you are troubled with breath odor, you know it is a real social problem. You certainly want to get rid of the problem. Upon investigation, there are numerous bad breath causes.

The most common cause of breath odor is excessive bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue. Where does this bacteria come from? Generally it originates with left over food particles, plaque, or infected gums.

In addition, there are specific foods and habits that frequently become bad breath causes. These are generally understood by most people.

Just in case you need a reminder, here are a few things to avoid:

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic contain volatile sugar compounds and eating them is a common cause of halitosis. Additionally, these sugar compounds can enter the lungs and bloodstream which further compounds the issue (no pun intended!)

Dairy Products

Dairy products such as milk, cheese and butter, can frequently cause bad breath. This is particularly true if the individual consuming them is lactose intolerant. A person who is lactose intolerant cannot completely digest dairy products. The result may be sour breath odor.

High Protein Diet

A high protein diet is a frequent associated with halitosis. The bacteria that causes breath odor loves protein. This is why many protein rich foods (can you say fish?) are frequently bad breath causes.

Tobacco Use

Do you ever associate smoking with unpleasant breath? It's no wonder.

Tobacco is an irritant to your gums. It can also cause you to lose your sense of taste and sticks to (and discolors) your teeth. Smokers are much more prone to periodontal disease - still another of the major bad breath causes.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is another leading cause of breath odor. Saliva is the body's natural mouthwash. The saliva in your mouth helps keep your mouth clean and washes away bad bacteria. That is why when your body produces less saliva, you are more prone to bad breath.

Some Medications

Some people who take antidepressants and diuretics may experience reduced saliva. That's the reason these medications often list breath odor as a possible side effect. Even aspirin can have this effect in some people.

Morning Mouth

When you sleep your salivary glands are at rest. This, of course, results in your mouth having less saliva during the sleeping hours. It's no wonder you frequently wake up with morning breath.

In addition, for a few people, a serious medical condition may be a bad breath cause. Conditions such as diabetes, infected tonsils, sinusitis, HIV, and a few other serious health problems, are known to cause breath odor. It's always good to check with your physician.

Imagine not worrying about your breath! Imagine not feeling the need to stand back away from people, not having to cover your mouth as you speak, and not shying away when you want to kiss your loved one!

The good news is that most people can be cured of halitosis using simple home remedies that eliminate the most common bad breath causes.

Before you go out and spend $13 for special toothpaste and $20 for natural mouth rinses, why not try some of the simple formulas found in The Bad Breath Treatment Guide?

The Bad Breath Treatment Guide has discovered a common sense cure using natural products you probably have in your kitchen right now. With them, you can cure your bad breath permanently!

This great handbook sells for less than ten bucks. You can get download your copy 24 hours a day at:

Bad Breath Causes - Recognize These Common Bad Breath Causes

Bad Breath

Examine 5 Home Remedies To Cure Bad Breath extra

Bad Breath

Bad breath, gingivitis, gum disease, halitosis... Smells like a potent mix of 'Phew! What died in here...'? But for those who have to put up and live with it as part of their daily routine, it can be a demeaning (and avoidable) statement, to say the least.

Especially after you've tried the dozens upon dozens of mouthwashes, mint gums, tongue cleaners / scrapers, and an assortment of "bad breath kits" advertised on late night TV shows... the problem either 'subsides' for a few hours to be temporarily forgotten -- until someone standing close to you, in the midst of an otherwise normal conversation, suddenly stops and gives you that peculiar 'what's that smell?' kind of look.

And the next thing you know you're frantically reaching out for that box of mint as if you just had an asthma attack. Let's face it, bad breath can be worse than an asthma attack. Why? Because, it stinks!

Often, the person with bad breath doesn't really know that he or she has got bad breath. It takes someone else pointing it out to them, which makes it all the more embarrassing.

So why don't we put a stop to it once and for all? Wouldn't we just LOVE to have a cure for bad breath that worked well -- and lasted longer? Sort of like sex, you know. Something closer to a permanent cure so you can popping in a (sugar-free?) candy gum every time someone reminds you of it?

Well, the Chinese discovered a bad breath remedy much before dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and 'my dog has bad breath too' kinds of confessions. Their cure was almost 4,000 years ago, and they were simply herbs from the the neighboring forest! Sort of like jogging down to New York's Central Park and picking up a bunch of herbs to cure a Wall Street broker's bad breath on the trading floor. The Chinese found their herbs freely on the forest floor, in clear abundance, and with no dental treatments or surgeries to pay for.

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, too, prescribed its own recommendations for curing bad breath, in parallel to what the Chinese believed. Their inspiration too was the forest, so they called them forest remedies, herbal remedies or home remedies, which, in modern times, has even morphed into more accessible expression of 'kitchen remedies'. Because you could cure bad breath using herbs commonly found in the Indian kitchen. No need to go hunting around amongst the forest bushes.

But the fact is, 'kitchen remedies' is a generic term, and these are herbs are easily available in any kitchen (or garden) of the world. Here are 4 of the simplest home remedies you can use right now to cure bad breath:

1. Instead of your regular toothpaste, use a herbal toothpaste that contains neem extracts in it. Scientifically known as Azadirachta Indica or Melia Azadirachta, the neem is a semi-evergreen tree whose trunk yields a tenacious gum and seeds yield an aromatic oil. It's the leaves whose extract help keep your breath much longer.

2. Instead of your regular mouthwash, use a solution of neem dissolved in warm water as an alternative mouthwash. It's more effective, not too harsh on your teeth and gums, and is a natural treatment for daily oral hygiene. Use this natural mouthwash solution 4 times a day.

3. There are two other kinds of mouthwash you can add to cure bad breath - (a) Boil corriander leaves in water and use the resulting liquid-extract as a mouthwash. (b) Aloe vera mixed with honey and cold water is a good mouthwash for chronic bad breath.

4. Think peppermint is the only mouth freshener? Here are two more to chew on -- green cardamom and cloves.

5. If your bad breath problem is due to tonsillitis, sinusitis or a nasty cold, edible camphor is a very effective throat stimulant. It's a sublime substance that simply melts away clogged mucus, giving a clarity and freshness that extends much beyond your throat. It's like vacuuming your own mouth with one of Nature's most effective nasal decongester... ENT therapy on the cheap!

Nat Jay is an expert on self-help reports for curing bad breath permanently. Visit his website at

5 Home Remedies To Cure Bad Breath

Understand Bad Breath - Can Mouthwash Help Stop Bad Breath? much more

To find out how to stop halitosis, it is important to understand what it is, how it works and then what remedies actually work. This article will discuss how mouthwash can help reduce bad breath.

Halitosis, also known commonly as bad breath, is caused by the bacteria that accumulates in the mouth of a person. Mostly found on and near the back of the tongue, anaerobic bacteria can thrive in the back of the mouth where there is little oxygen and lots of amino acids. The acid actually occur in phlegm, mucus, and food residues from dairy and other foods high in protein. When food residues like these are left in crevasses in the teeth and gums, it will produce Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC). Volatile Sulfur Compounds give off a small of hydrogen sulfide, similar to rotten eggs. Such foul breath condition can also be caused by some foods after digestion, or in some cases, from certain medications that we take.

Without daily brushing and flossing of teeth, these food particles stay lodged in the mouth and allowing bacteria to multiply. As the food particles begin to decompose, they produce a sour or unpleasant odor. In addition, when you eat foods like onions, garlic or other similar foods, the properties of these foods become absorbed in your bloodstream, which then is transferred to the lungs and is exhaled when you breathe. Your breath condition will only improve when these food is processed by your body or has left your system.

When you look through all the items available in the oral hygiene section of your local drug store, there is such a wide variety that it can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, most products really are not effective at killing bacteria in your mouth if your bad breath is a chronic problem. These products are often designed just to smell sweet and mask the bad breath smell, but they only will work for a very short while. One exception would be any kind of mouthwash that has zinc chloride as an ingredient, or one which your dentist recommends.

Ingredients In Mouthwash

When you are trying to decide which mouthwash to purchase, look for these ingredients or features:

Cetylpyridinium chloride

This is an antibacterial compound which can reduce the amount of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth.

Zinc chloride

This material can reduce the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds, and also will bind to other compounds which anaerobic bacteria uses to develop volatile sulfur compounds.

Antibacterial or antiseptic mouthwash

This can kill the anaerobic bacteria responsible for producing volatile sulfur compounds. Avoid any of these mouthwashes that have alcohol, which is a drying agent.

Chlorine Dioxide

This is an oxidizing agent which uses oxygen to affect anaerobic bacteria to reduce the bacteria in the mouth.

Home Made Mouthwash

A good home remedy is to use hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse. It adds oxygen to the environment where the bacteria are thriving, and thus helps kill the anaerobic bacteria. If you do not have any hydrogen peroxide, simply using a glass of water to swish around the mouth can also remove any food particles that remain stuck between the teeth and gums. Food particles that remain lodged in your mouth will result in bacteria growth, and in turn bad breath. Leaving food in your mouth to rot can become a gold mine of bacteria.

Tips When Using Mouthwash

In using an everyday mouthwash product, there are certain techniques to get the most effect. The purpose of using a mouthwash is to kill any bacteria causing foul breath and the bacteria that cluster at the back of your tongue. It is most effective to gargle when you rinse, being sure to rinse the back of the mouth with an ah sound. This action makes the tongue shift toward the front of the mouth, and let the mouthwash access the rear area of the tongue where most bacteria can be found. Once you have thoroughly rinsed and gargled, be sure not to swallow the mouthwash, but to spit it out to remove the bacteria.

Ultimately the type of mouthwash, how it is used, and whether you also have a good oral hygiene habits will determine whether or not using mouthwash is effective in controlling bad breath. As long as you are making regular visits to your dentist, brushing and flossing daily, then your mouthwash can be an important part of reducing bad breath.

Bad Breath

Eliminate bad breath today with our tips on bad breath cures that work. Learn what are some of the bad breath causing diseases at our resource site today.

Bad Breath - Can Mouthwash Help Stop Bad Breath?

Bad Breath

Go through How to Check For Bad Breath far more

Bad breath is when there is an unpleasant odor that usually comes from the mouth. When people exhale, the odor comes out. Not only is it a health issue, but it is also a social issue as well. People get turned off by those that have bad breath when they open their mouth.

There are different ways to determine whether or not you have bad breath. Here are some ways that you can do this:

o This is about the easiest way for you to find out if you have bad breath. Breathe on the back of your hands. You will automatically smell the odor as it comes out of your mouth. This can determine how your breath really smells.

o Did you know that saliva has an odor? Well, if you didn't, you do now. You hope that when you conduct this test that your breath will not have a foul odor. To do this, you will slightly lick your wrist or the back of your hand.

Give it a few seconds and then take a whiff. If you don't smell anything, then you should be ok. If you do, check with your dentist and get help.

o You can use a spoon or a tongue scraper to test your breath. Scrape your tongue at the front and back. Do each area one at a time. Smell the area in question on the spoon or the scraper and see how it smells. If it is a foul smell, then you may have chronic bad breath (halitosis).

o Check to see if you have any black spots on your teeth. If you do, it could be a sign that you may have bad breath. You may end up having tooth and gum problems that could also lead to bad breath due to bacteria that has formed.

Consult with your dentist to provide treatment to those areas that are affected so you can head off a potential bout of bad breath.

Halitosis is when you have chronic bad breath. Now that's worse when it's chronic. Whether it happens a few times or it's a continuous problem, people should find ways to get rid of it. As for the cause of bad breath, there are different reasons why it's happening.

Bad Breath

Scott Wells writes for where you can learn about therabreath coupons to help you fight bad breath.

How to Check For Bad Breath

Read through Don't Let Bad Breath Stifle Your Social Life more

Commonly identified as 'bad breath', Halitosis can happen to anyone of us at any point of time. The basic reason behind such bad breath may be due to dental problem, liver as well as kidney disease, gastric reflux, or sinus problems demanding immediate intervention from the local physician. Majority of people suffer from Halitosis due to dental issues that includes decay, dry mouth, and gum disease.

We all must have noticed that when we wake up early morning, we can feel bad breath coming out of mouth may be due to too much garlic in the dinner. It is really a big embarrassment to speak before others with bad breath.

Mentioned below are some Tips on Halitosis Cures so that you start you day with a good note.

1. Be strict on your daily diet:

Your physical fitness and metabolism depends on what you eat. So, if you want a healthy mouth with pleasant smell, eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables that are good for health. Too much intake of Onions and garlic are responsible for bad breath. Also, another culprit is meat. Meat stuck between teeth gives birth to bacteria responsible for Halitosis. So, each time you eat something, remember to rinse your mouth properly. If you maintain this simple remedy in your day to day life, you can keep Halitosis away.

2. Avoid Post-Meal Smoke

We all are aware of the fact that cigarettes are injurious to your health. They are also held responsible for bad breath. Cigarettes produce a mixture of chemicals in your mouth, each time you smoke thereby also causing dry mouth. So, at least avoid smoking after dinner so that we can stay away from Halitosis.

3. Clean the Tongue properly

Cleaning the tough properly can be a great way to Halitosis Cures. The rough surface in your tongue is the home to all kinds of dead skin cells, germs, microbes and food remains. Regular brushing of teeth in simply not enough to remains away from bad breath. Clean your tongue using toothbrush or scraper each time you eat.

4. Brush and Floss Regularly

Your mouth is the storehouse of germs and microbes. Each time you eat something, these microbes also get food. Regular brush and floss takes away their food thereby keeping your mouth and breath minty clean.

5. Visit Dentist Regularly

A regular trip to your family dentist can be helpful. Just like your car and two wheeler demands oil change, regular maintenance to continue for long run. In the same way, regular check up with your dentist can help in the early analysis of gum infection, tooth decay and halitosis. Also the dentist will remove the plaque and tartar form the gums preventing your teeth and gums from any further damage.

Home-made remedies are also helpful for Halitosis Cures. The natural home-made remedies like mouth rinsing using white wine, baking soda, cinnamon, anise seed and rosemary leaves, can be quite useful as well.

Baking soda:

You can clean your teeth using Baking soda to get fresh minty breath. For best results, sprinkle some soda in your hand, dip a toothbrush and brush your teeth.

Fresh vegetables:

Carrots and celery helps in fighting plaque and making your breath fresh.


Cheese also is a natural remedy for removing plaque and mouth smell.

Thus, there are plenty of remedies to keep your mouth, gum and teeth healthy. Maintain a healthy lifestyle is the only way to stay away form Halitosis.

Bad Breath

Halitosis, which is otherwise known as bad breath is a problem that many people have to deal with in varying degrees. It is an embarrassing problem that sometimes feels hopeless to cure. There are Bad Breath Remedies you can try but first you must take proper care of your teeth and mouth, possibly by not brushing your teeth and tongue after meals the food can collect and cause bad breath. Health problems can also add to your bad breath problems. If you also have a very dry mouth then this could also contribute to your bad breath, because the saliva is necessary for the cleaning of your mouth at night and during the day. I hope you have learned How to cure bad breath

Don't Let Bad Breath Stifle Your Social Life

Read Dogs Bad Breath a lot more

Bad Breath

A dog's bad breath usually has basically the same cause as bad breath in humans: anaerobic bacteria break down proteins in the dog's mouth and release volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), which smell like rotten eggs. These bacteria live in airless pockets in the back of the mouth, between the teeth and the gums and on the back of the tongue. In dogs more often than humans, however, the worst problem lies with a layer of tartar on the teeth.

Tartar is made up of mineral deposits, bits of food, and live bacteria: if you could magnify the tartar on a dog's teeth, you would be able to see that it is actually very rough with numerous hollows and cavities where bacteria can live, digesting the little bits of food that are caught there as well. When the tartar is very advanced, it extends beyond the gum line, creating ideal conditions for the proliferation of bacteria that flourish in the absence of oxygen. This is often the source of halitosis in dogs, and because older dogs often have a considerable buildup of tartar, dogs bad breath is particularly associated with elderly dogs.

It's best to try to prevent halitosis in dogs by avoiding the troublesome buildup of tartar in the first place. There are several ways to do this: get into the habit of brushing your dog's teeth when the dog is very young - toothpastes are available especially for dogs and cats that contain enzymes to break down the tartar and prevent it from advancing. Take your dog to the veterinarian regularly and have his or her teeth professionally examined. Dental cleaning is available to clear away accumulating tartar before it gets too bad. You can also purchase a variety of chew toys and bones that help dogs scrape the tartar off their own teeth while they are chewing. If you do all of these things, you should be able to avoid dogs bad breath.

If tartar is already a problem, and you are starting to notice your dogs bad breath, you will probably find yourself paying for an extensive cleaning, probably under general anesthetic, by the veterinarian. There is some risk involved when the dog is old, but heavy tartar on the teeth comes with high risk of health complications anyway, so in most cases, it is worth taking a chance. Aside from improving your pet's health, the procedure is effective at putting an end to severe halitosis in dogs.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Bad Breath Cure, a blog dedicated to the treatment of bad breath.

Dogs Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Read through Bad Breath - How to Cure Bad Breath Caused By Tooth Decay more

Bad Breath - How to Cure Bad Breath Caused By Tooth Decay

Bad Breath

That is a very good question, how do you cure bad breath caused by bad tooth decay? It is one that is not easily answered, but this short article will give you some good tips and hints to overcome this problem.

Here are some recommended steps.

Step One: Take Care of Your Teeth

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this is true when it comes to your teeth. Bad breath is just one of the problems you can expect to face when you do not take care of your teeth. The old standby bits of advice to brush and floss and rinse every night are there for a reason. It is easy to say that you are too tired or just do not want to bother, but imagine how you are going to feel the next day going to work with dragon breath. It is worth the few minutes at night and after meals to brush.

Step Two: Take Care of Your Teeth

Wait a minute, did we not just say that was Step One? Well, continuing to take care of your teeth is the real trick to learning how to cure this caused by bad tooth decay. While you can not do anything yourself to fix the teeth that have already decayed, you can take care of your oral hygiene now to cut down on your bad breath.

Most bad breath is caused by germs and bacteria on the mouth from food particles. This is why flossing is so important, because these particles rest between the teeth and the teeth and gums and are not cleansed away with brushing. Additionally, rinsing the mouth with an alcohol-free mouth rinse will help to keep the mouth moisturized. Another leading cause of it is having a very dry mouth, allowing these germs and bacteria to dry on the skin and tissue of the mouth. Keeping yourself adequately hydrated is also important for this very same point, you need to have proper amounts of moisture in your body overall for good oral health.

So, how do you cure bad breath caused by bad tooth decay? It all boils down to taking care of your teeth, whether there is already been damage done or not. By doing that, you can keep your breath as fresh as possible.

Do you know how your cough and bad breath are related? Learn how you can eliminate bad breath caused by sinus and discover various bad breath remedies at our resource site.

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Bad Breath - The Kiss of Death

Bad Breath

Bad Breath

While talking to someone you are trying to impress, you have no idea there is a foul odor others can smell from your breath. No one has ever told you this, and therefore, as far as you're concerned, you don't have bad breath. To say the least, bad breath, (halitosis) can be very embarrassing and sometimes even offensive.

First you need to find out if you have bad breath. The sure way is to ask someone you love or trust to tell you. The other tests such as breathing into your hand and smelling it, just will not work.

There are indeed many causes for bad breath, but the majority is caused by local factors in the mouth. The malodor is composed of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) released from microbial metabolism. The VSCs in the mouth are much higher if you have gum disease.

What else causes bad breath?

Not brushing and flossing often enough or properly are obvious causes for bad breath. You may be surprised to know tongue jewelry can also cause bad breath by harboring bacteria.

Not cleaning dentures properly can be another problem. Food can stay under the denture causing the foul odor. Cavities, abscessed tooth, old fillings that need to be replaced should be added to the list as well.

Dry mouth from any cause including medications such as anti-histamines, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, decongestants, pain medication, diuretics for high blood pressure and many other drugs, can provide a perfect environment for bacterial growth. We all know smoking and chewing tobacco can cause bad breath as well as oral cancer.

Throat infections and even prolonged speaking can dry mouth, causing bad breath. There are also systemic or non-oral causes. For example, drastic changing in diet, or fasting can cause bad breath. Other causes include hormonal changes, such as menstrual cycle, menopause or pregnancy.

Bad breath will be noticed with a cold, flu, or sinus infection with postnasal drip. We all also know the effect of certain high volatile foods on our breath such as garlic, onions,, alcoholic drinks and coffee.

Systemic diseases linked to bad breath include diabetes, oral cancer, renal or hepatic failure, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Sleeping can cause morning breath. Keeping a bottle of water by your bedside and thoroughly brushing and flossing before going to bed can help prevent dehydration and the awful bad taste and breath on waking.

Many people think they can hide bad breath with mouthwash. Most commercial mouthwash contain nothing more than alcohol and artificial flavors and colors. Studies report mouthwash may mask the malodor for about two hours. The alcohol may actually dry the mouth and eventually cause more bad breath and even tissue damage.

If bad breath is due to gum disease, it can be a sign of a serious illness, since we now know that with gum disease there is a higher risk for heart disease and stroke.

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Read through Bad Breath - The Ultimate Turn Off additional

If you are an HR executive, you have probably encountered more than a handful of applicants on a daily basis. Most of them are dressed to impress and looked as though they have brought with them all their knowledge and experiences in their very well composed packet as expected. You are of course aware that first impressions last therefore most applicants see to it that at that instant they enter your office, they are prepared to knock your head off with their background and expertise.

Most often than not though, applicants forget that other than looking good and knowing a lot, there's another important thing they have to prepare for. Applicants need to make sure that they have a presentable face and good smelling breath. Bad breath is a total turn off. Imagine having to talk to people whose breath unmistakably has a foul smell? There'd be no use for their whole composure.

Having a good smelling breath is necessary most especially because you talk to people on a daily basis and you interact with them with the words you speak. Imagine having to talk to a person who has bad breath? That would just be too awful. It's hard to be polite when it comes to talking to people who have bad breath. So make sure your breath always smells fresh so that you won't see people covering their faces when they talk to you or have people tell you straight on that you have to do something about it.

Bad Breath

To discover additional tips on eliminating bad breath, check out

Bad Breath - The Ultimate Turn Off

Bad Breath